Part 22

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everything had changed in the last few weeks.

that night remained in my mind clear as sunshine, but the days after are what began to blur. i remember walking to my first meal with the court. i remember whispering to benedict, sat to the left of me, "they're all looking at me... like, they're fearing that i may kill them as well."

my suspicions of anne have been growing large. she had been sneaking off to speak with a gentleman daily for "business" purposes.

when she left today i decided i had a right to inspect her belongings. i was her employer, without me she would be doing something that wasn't fit for her. like a match girl.

had i told benedict of my thoughts? of course not, when would i have the time. whenever we were together it was perfect. he was the air that i was breathing, the wine i was sipping; he was everything i needed and more. it was generic, every wife is supposed to love their husband. but this was different. it was everything mixed together.

anne didn't have much, just enough to get by. the first thing i noticed was a large sun of money, labeled "the deed". suspicious. i was in there for around an hour and i didn't find much else, that's when she walked in.

"katherine? why are you in my rooms, and looking through my things?" i spun around so fast i saw the constellations above.

"do you have a guilty conscious anne?"

i don't know how detectives do this everyday. every time they got caught, what did they do?

"are you implying something?" i saw her grab the small envelope, the one with the money.

"what's going on anne? you can tell me anything." i don't know why we kept questioning each other. one of us would have to answer soon.

"you are everything i've always wanted," this was not going to end well. "you have the perfect husband, the money, the titles, the family. everything."

i took a step back, "there's nothing i can do to change that. i did not choose this life and neither did you."

"this is my chance to change it though!" she yelled.

she was going to kill me. that's why lord sansar died and i did not, the wine was supposed to kiss us both. so that it looked like i murdered him then gave my life away to cover my innocence. and she did it all for money.

i didn't allow her to say another word. i left in a swift breeze, not thinking about my next move in a game of chess.

hey guys! okay so i don't know when to end this story, but i have a feeling it's going to be soon.
so, i don't know if i've mentioned this before, but i am beginning to write a game of thrones story. it's set after the series. so if you enjoy reading my stories, check it out. there is only one chapter out now but more to come.
thank you!

until next chapter,


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