Her House

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Then the last name was called-

"Grey, Olivia"

Whispers ensured when she was called.

"Grey, did she say?" Whispered the student body, "The Olivia Grey, like the one who murdered?" Fear could be clearly heard in the voices.

'How does everyone know?'  

Despite her confusion, Olivia didn't stumble, trip or falter in her steps as she came and sat on the stool, her back like an iron rod. The sorting hat almost hummed on her head, silent for a moment

"Ah... Hmm," said a small voice in her ear. "Difficult. Very Difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not too much of a good mind though. There's talent, oh my goodness, yes, so much – and a nice thirst to prove yourself, now that's interesting.... So where shall I put you?"

"Anywhere, the place I will thrive most." She stated. 

She felt the hat go through her memories, stopping at the inheritance test one, seemingly like he was going further into the memory than possible; she saw the memory flash in her minds eye, like she was a bystander to the memory, from someone else's perspective. She saw the pearlescent potion drip onto the parchment, then glow a blinding white before returning to its normal state.

The point of view changed, a handsome man come from behind her before walking up to the goblin, and she saw the parchment, but it was different from the one she read, every single one of her houses that she could claim ladyship to, were listed; maybe that's why the goblin was so shocked? But, before her thoughts could delve deeper, she reminded herself that someone was in her head and got her thoughts back on track. 

Looking at the parchment, five particular houses expanded, removing the others from sight.

Lady to the Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin - (By Blood, won through conquest (by muggle ways, adapted for wizards needs, a way to gain Lord/Ladyship over a house, similar to a duel))

Lady to the Ancient and Noble House of Gryffindor - (By Blood)

Lady to the Ancient and Noble House of Hufflepuff - (By Blood)

Lady to the Ancient and Noble House of Ravenclaw - (By Right of Magic, Chosen as a suitable Lady to the house by the house)

Lady to the Ancient and Noble House of Hogwarts - (By Blood) (Chosen by Lady Hogwarts herself as a suitable Lady, result of Ladyship of each house)

She read each one briefly before the words shrank, becoming the version she saw when she first.

She saw the man in her mind's eye nod, also feeling the hat on top of her head.

"What is your name?"  She asked, not controlling her words, more likely her thoughts.

The man laughed before responding, "Genus, and yes, I am the human version of the hat sat atop of your head."

Olivia nodded before the memory ended and she was one again looking at the inside of the hat and the voice, she now knew belonged to Genus, began to speak again.

"Ah, I see, the Heir of this school has come at last, well then, let's go through the houses, you can go in all, but the best place...hm... no not Hufflepuff, yes very loyal and very hard-working, but not too kind, so that's crossed off of the list."

The Sorting Hat, Genu, stayed silent for a moment.

"Yes, you'll be good in Ravenclaw, smart, very witty and intelligent, but will you thrive better somewhere else? Yes! Another off the list."

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