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Oliva awoke the next day to find that someone left a mouse on her pillow. Not a dead one, it continued to squirm even after Emperor swatted it with his paw. Olivia gasped silently and flicked the creature off of her sheets. It scurried along until Emperor caught it within his jaws.

"No, eat it outside. Not in here, outside. Now." Olivia pointed to the door with a swift hand. "I'm not cleaning that up if you make a mess." She huffed as Emperor swatted the door open, trotting his way down the small steps and biting the mouse harder. It squeaked lightly.

What a way to begin her day.

Olivia checked the time, 7:13 AM. She huffed again and shrunk out of her covers. She needed to start her day; else she would not be able to go to Diagon Alley today. She took a fast shower, then dressed in a magenta shirt with skinny blue jeans and flats.

Her kitten, Emperor, was discovered by Mrs. Cole later that morning. Instead of scolding Olivia, the woman seemed elated that she wasn't a psychotic animal murderer after all.

"You really should've told me. Wool's Orphanage doesn't have a ban on all pets. Cats, rabbits, and hamsters are all allowed," Mrs. Cole told her. "They're allowed at your new school?"

"Yeah. Cats and toads and ow- and certain birds," she added the last part because she wasn't sure how much Mrs. Cole would believe they allowed owls. Then again, the woman was very old.

Mrs. Cole frowned. "What an odd variety. Have you got any supplies to care for a cat?"

"No," Olivia admitted. "I've been giving him parts of my dinner, and he catches mice, too." At this, Mrs. Cole beamed. The two looked at another in a new light-if they could agree on nothing except cats, that would be enough for them; their argument had blown over and they were now on speaking terms.

"You'll need a kennel, a litter box, cat food, a bowl, a brush- oh, have most of these things in the attic... While you're off shopping, I'll get the litter box, brush, and kennel, but you'll have to get the other supplies."

For once, Olivia had no desire to argue. She took a notebook off her desk and sat down in her chair, scribbling down what she'd need. The thought of her kitten's supplies had never occurred to her; the feline had taken to leaving through the window and jumping onto a nearby branch. Sometimes, Olivia was tempted to do the same

She spent the next few hours preparing. Her hair was still damp from her shower as she looked through her wardrobe. Mrs. Cole had yet to notice the eight missing cacti from the greenhouse were stored in her drawers. Olivia took extra care to pick out of outfit from the limited clothes she had. She had her Wool's uniform, but she couldn't exactly wear that to the wizarding world.

She settled for the nicest clothes she had- which really amounted to the best fitting clothes she owned. She had a pair of baggy, faded jeans with unintentional holes in the knees from years of courtyard brawls This was paired with a white T-shirt that had the words "Olivia [Insert last name here] written on the front in permanent marker. Mrs. Cole never liked it and said something along the lines of 'You have a last name' to which she retorted 'Given by the Orphanage'

"Morning," Olivia said in the Kitchen, grabbing a piece of toast. "When can we leave for London?"

"After Breakfast," Nancy said, then chewed a piece of fatty bacon.

"Are you sure you don't want me to join you?" Mrs. Cole asked, "I don't want you to be alone there without anyone. At the very least, I'll come with you."

"If it makes you feel better, Nanc, sure. I'm actually quite scared of going by myself," Olivia confessed. "I plan on taking Emperor anyway. I know he isn't a normal cat."

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