Badgers v Lions or Snakes v Lions

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After Holiday Break, the Hogwarts professors deemed it necessary to whip the students back into the routine of things-and Olivia was glad for it. She was interested in the Nicholas Flamel mystery, certainly, but there were other things that the young girl wanted to prioritise, for one, she wanted to set aside some time to learn more magic.

Her current curriculum was no doubt interesting, but it moved a bit too slowly for her taste. As exampled on the Hogwarts Express, Olivia found she had a talent in spell work and the more practical side of magic. The theory side bored her, but she knew it was necessary.

She spent an hour patrolling the castle in search of an empty classroom she could use. It was important to get one far enough away from any professors' offices or Filch's usual patrol route. For the most part, she was disappointed.

Olivia's POV:

I walked down a few more corridors not really knowing where I was headed until I stopped dead in my tracks. My head quickly turned sideways towards a suit of armour, I squinted my eyes, and a smirk slowly made its way to my face. I crossed my arms still staring at the suit of armour.

"I know your there," I sang smirking still. Something came wheezing out one of the arms and a pouty Peeves was now in front of me.

"How'd you know I was there?" Peeves asked me sulkily. "I was trying to scare you," he said huffing

"I dunno, I'm just that good I guess," I said shrugging one of my shoulders. Peeves' face speedily changed and now wore mischievous eyes and a wicked grin.

"Did you get the stuff," he asked mysteriously, I rolled my eyes at his dramatics.

"Of course, when do I ever disappoint?" I shrugged off my bag and began to rummage through it. I put my whole arm in and finally pulled out dung bombs and the rest of the equipment we needed. Somehow the poltergeist decided that they were partners in crime. They had already done many pranks, and this was just another to add to the list.

"How'd you fit your whole arm in that bag?" Peeves asked me.

"An undetectable extension charm, read it in a book I saw in the library," I said, making Peeves fake a yawn at the mention of learning

"Fine, let's go, Filch starts his shift in five minutes," Peeves said grinning evilly again. I nodded and we began our route to Filch's Office. Since I was Partners in crime with Peeves, he had shown me all the secret rooms and passages. I practically knew these corridors like the back of my hand by now. Around four minutes later we arrived outside Filch's office.

"Right then he'll be coming any minute, you wait around the comer and when he walks around the corner towards you throw the dung bombs at him and then meet me at the Gryffindor common room entrance, okay?" I asked him, handing Peeves the dung bombs.

"Eye-aye Captain," he said saluting before floating around the corner quickly hid behind a suit of armour opposite Filch's office. After a few moments, saw Filch stumble out of the office. He started to walk down the corridor towards where was waiting in. As soon as he turned the corner.


Peeves threw all the dung bombs at Filch,

"UGHI PEEVES! I'LL GET YOU THIS TIME!" Filch yelled running after Peeves, who was cackling loudly, whizzing down the corridors. Once Filch's cries were far enough away from me I finally let out my laughs.

"Oh my god, that was hilarious!" whispered to myself. Silently laughing, I went to my bag and pulled out a can of bright pink spray paint and in large letters wrote,

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