Sweet talker

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The next day, Olivia was sitting at the Gryffindor table, to the extreme displeasure of Jasmine, whose favourite part of the day was seeing Pansy and Olivia mutter insults at one another. Due to the close proximity of the tables, she had the pleasure of sitting right behind Ohnishi.

The teachers had probably thought keeping the Slytherins away from the Gryffindors would lower student conflict. Apparently, most Slytherins and Hufflepuffs got along. Olivia's year had not gotten the memo, and they all argued more than the Gryffindors did. Ernie MacMillan and Theodore Nott argued at least five times per class hour, and Olivia alone could incite a riot with Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle.

Aside from that, Olivia liked sitting with Harry. His mates were all nice and got along with her relatively well and her presence there was met with zero complaints. It was even welcomed which was surprising considering how a lot of Gryffindors despised the Slytherins and the fact that we were also weren't fond of the glory that the Gryffindor house received on a yearly basis, except the house cup, which we won every year.

Harry was frowning at his waffles, trying his best to ignore the death glares Professor Snape was sending their way.

"Why does he hate me so much?"

"Because he's lonely," Olivia said as she put a small slice of toast on her plate. Harry shot her a quizzical look.

"I mean, have you ever seen any of the other professors talk to him besides McGonagall? And even that doesn't happen often."

"Then why is he picking on me?" Harry huffed. She understood his irritation and if she was being honest, she felt it too; Snape hovered over her like a hawk in Potions and though he didn't badger her with insults as he did Harry, she was beginning to loathe the man even though he was her Head of House.

"C'mon, Harry, don't take it too hard." Fred clapped his hand over the scrawny boy's back as George squeezed between him and Olivia.

"The git lost his wand up his arse years before you came along!" George added. Olivia glanced at Snape out of the corner of her eye and mentally cursed the twins for giving her such a disgusting mental picture. It was a wonder that the potions professor didn't ruin his potions by dripping grease out of his hair and he sniffed in disdain so often that she had to resist the urge to recommend him a prescription. Of course, Jasmine found the silent feud between Snape and Olivia absolutely hilarious apparently, the looks they gave each other could have killed ghosts a Second time.

Harry was the one to pull her out of her thoughts; he had spotted the minute amount of food on her plate and drew his eyebrows together in concern. "You know they let you eat more than that, right?" He asked as he piled more food onto her plate. She could practically feel Anthony nodding approvingly from behind her, but she paid no mind and instead offered Harry a half-smile.

"Awww," the twins mockingly swooned but were forced to duck when Ron took a swipe at them.

Harry's face turned a light shade of red. He scowled. "Shut up."

"Thanks, Potter, but anyway, Snape does seem to target certain people over others," Olivia continued in an attempt to steer the conversation away from Harry's embarrassment. Besides, any conversation that revolved around hating Professor Snape was a conversation well spent.

"And it's not just Gryffindor. That git hovers so close to me during class that I'm surprised the grease from his hair hasn't dripped and exploded my potion."

Ron snickered at the mental image but from a few students down, Hermione Granger looked miffed at the fact that she was talking poorly of the professors. Never mind the fact that literally everyone else in Gryffindor did the exact same thing.

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