Part I: Freedom- Prologue

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Main Character P.O.V

     'Pain. Pain is a funny thing, it can be the worst or best thing in your life. The thing I've learned though, is that pain can be controlled. You can use your mind to make it hurt less, or you can use it to your advantage and make yourself stronger from it. A long time ago, so long I can't recall exactly how long— I made the decision to do both so I could survive.'

     My vision blurs as I feel the familiar shock spread through my skull, discombobulating my senses for a moment. 'Survive what?' I shake my head, the thoughts seem to fly out of my ears doing so. I pull my hands up to my face, desperately trying to remember what I was just thinking about, but to no avail.

     I look around the small room I'm in, no windows, just drab metal and the little bed I'm sitting on. For a second, I'm disorientated, unable to remember why I'm in this room. I feel my heartbeat quicken with panic, 'Close your eyes' the voice inside my head tells me. I breathe deeply and close my eyes, and in the next moment I'm in a Dark infinite Place looking at a female sitting crisscross like how I was just doing.

     'Who is that?' I study the female, her long greyish-white hair is in a spiky mess on her head, her brows furrowed, and full lips sit in a line of concentration. She looks familiar to me but I cannot recall. 'This infinite space feels more than just... nothing.' I close my eyes and concentrate, feeling it out, until I feel pulsating, it's strong, almost threatening even, but I'm drawn to it, whatever it is. I open my 'eyes' and walk towards the feeling.

    "Out of my face! I don't have time to waste with the likes of you Cui." A gruff voice booms as I approach the source of the pulsating, "Well, let Frieza do something about it." It continues.

    Frieza. The name rips me out of my questing trance, and the supposed darkness arounds me shifts into a into a distant memory.

    I'm in a small room with an older woman. She places me into her lap and begins to stroke my face in such a soothing way only a mother could.
    "You special, I know one day you will be the strongest of us all." Her eyes glisten with tears.
     "I-I thought we would have more time together, I want you to know I did everything I could to prevent this from happening to you. I wanted you to get older and stronger so you could help us fight him.. But it's too late, he's found out about you and even though we tried to hide you— he has done the unbelievable to get to you, slaughtered so many, and he has given us an ultimatum." She begins to choke as the tears spill down her cheeks, I instinctively lean up to hug and comfort Mother, not fully understanding the words she's telling me.
    She places her hands on my shoulders to bring me back to eye view, "You have to promise me something, no matter what happens, survive through this, if you can survive through this you can do anything you set your mind to. Don't give into him, remember your pride." She breathes, I'm starting to get confused, am I going somewhere?. "Mother, I don't—", she cuts me off abruptly, "Promise me Xylias, promise me right now that you won't forget." she demands, her eyes frantically searching mine for acknowledgement.
     I hold her gaze and slowly nod, "I promise Mother, I will never give into him and forget my pride". She hugs me so tight I thought my lungs would explode, "Mother I don't understand.." as I start to whine, the door and portion of the building we're in is blown apart by a blast, and 3 beings walk in.
     The strange looking white and purple one in the middle steps forward with a smug smirk. I lean into my mother fearfully, pieces of the ceiling falling like raindrops on the frightening scene.
     "Ximena, Ximena, Ximena how darling to find you in this hellhole, have you been hiding my plaything from me?" His voice is refined, but all the more threatening.
    "Frieza I- I- I" my courageous mother stutters. "Enough!" Frieza screams, " I am SICK of you insubordinate Monkeys, I thought I needed your race to conquer other planets but you've proven to be more of a burden, this one shows potential though.  From what I've seen it looks like I only need her."
    His evil smirk deepens, "She's young enough, perfect to mold for me, and in a few years she'll have forgotten you. You might as well thank me, I'm taking the burden of parenting off your shoulders!" Him and his underlings burst in a fit of laughter. The pressure of his words start to weigh heavy on my shoulders and I start to tremble.
    Mother tightens her grip onto me, Frieza notices this and his face hardens, "Now now Ximena, don't you dare try anything, give her to me and you might make it out of this, alive." He bares through his teeth, my mother is breathing heavy, holding his glare with her own as his tall underling steps forward and yanks me from her arms.
    An involuntary scream rises from my throat, but I'm instantly silenced by a device being slapped onto my head. "Remember what I said Xylias!—" a bright light cuts off her voice and from the small eyeholes I faintly see her lying on the ground.

     I'm brought back to that Dark Place and to the female sitting on the ground. Her eyes snap open, she looks up at me and it clicks.

     That's me, and my name is Xylias.

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