Chapter Seven

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Author Note: After so long, here it is! Yay :D Sorry it's been a crazy couple of weeks with the holidays, hope you all enjoy and please vote, comment, and/or message. I would love to hear feedback! and thank you to those who have done so or plan to, it all means so much! <3


Our character, oblivious to the immense power she had just displayed, collapses onto the ground when her form fizzles out. Her power level did not go unnoticed though. Goku, due to the Super Saiyan power he had obtained during his time of healing (unbeknownst to him), felt the tiniest sliver of power from the Woman's display. He had sensed an entirely new ballpark of power that no mortal had felt before, and he knew in that moment that his energy wasn't strong enough to sense the true depths of her power.


Xylias P.O.V

My body is on fire, I can feel my blood pounding in my ears as I lay on the ground trying to catch my breath. A far distance away, I feel him, still alive, and probably pissed.

My hands clench the dirt underneath them, 'I failed... I couldn't kill him... I'm such a disgrace, I'm so sorry Mother....' My throat feels raw, and tears threaten to escape my eyes, but I squeeze them shut. I will not cry in front of everyone.

'I thought maybe... after all of this time and pain, that I would persevere enough to eradicate Frieza from the universe, but it doesn't matter what I do... I'll always be a weakling.' my intrusive thoughts scream at me

I slowly try to get up, but my body won't stop shaking. My muscles are beyond sore from the intense electrocution I endured from Frieza, and that power up I went through was completely unlike anything that I've ever felt before. It felt similar to the incident I went through as a child, but different... I was more conscious, my energy had cascaded through my body like a fire burning through my veins, and it was exceedingly difficult to remain in control. My body (and mind for that matter) is entirely unadjusted to this physical freedom, and it's definitely taken it's toll.

I curse myself as I push up my body, folding my knees underneath me to kneel. My head hanging low, I stare at the ground, trying to build up the courage to turn and face everyone.

A couple moments pass by before I feel a warm hand on my shoulder, flinching slightly from the unexpected touch, my eyes meet the boots of Kakarot standing before me.

"Are you okay?" he says gently

"I can still feel him... I- I— failed Vegeta and you... I- I'm so sorry" I choke, too humiliated to look at my fellow Saiyan.

"That's not true... You saved Vegeta's life and bought us time so we can get everyone to safety, this isn't over yet." he said with reassurance

I shake my head, closing my eyes, feeling utterly guilty. "But I hurt him worse... I- I couldn't control my power and made such a rookie mistake..."

Kakarot gently squeezes my shoulder, "Stop beating yourself up, your power was totally awesome! I've never seen or felt anything like it!" he exclaims lightly

he continues, "I do have to ask though... Who are you? I think I can speak for us all in saying that we are surprised to have a complete stranger fighting alongside us."

I open my eyes and finally bring my head up to look at Kakarot. When our eyes lock, I hear the sharp intake of his breath, the smile disappearing from his face.

"You... that was you calling out to me?" He asks, shock written all over him.

I tear my eyes away from his, feeling my cheeks rise in temperature, "Uhm, yes... That was me, although I wasn't sure it had worked how I wanted. I'd never done telepathy before..." my voice trails

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