Chapter Eight

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Author's Note: double update! hehe I had a dream last night about this story and it gave me much needed motivation! :)

Also, I went back and corrected a bunch of errors, and added lil things here and there, I'm terrible and always think of small details to add after publishing the chapter xD feel free to re-read, although it's not completely necessary lol

I hope you all enjoy <3


Xylias P.O.V

"Boom" The Emperor says eerily, simultaneously launching a powerful death beam towards Kakarot. The Saiyan quickly responds, slapping the blast away from everyone.

I jump up from my position next to Vegeta, ready to run over and assist Kakarot. He notices my movement and snaps his head in my direction, "No Xylias! Stay out of this!" He commands.

I've spent my whole life having to follow orders, and I'm tired of it. I want to fight, to prove to everyone and myself that I am just as capable as them. My stubborn Saiyan instincts are telling me to join this fight and make the Tyrant pay, but the rationalized voice in the back of my head tells me to listen to Kakarot right now, to help everyone else. After a moment of inner turmoil, I slink back down to my knees and focus on Vegeta, tuning out Kakarot's voice as he begins to chastise Frieza for his abhorrent deeds.

The Prince has a wound on his shoulder next to his collarbone from Frieza's death beam, and a circular gash on his chest from the boulder Frieza dug into his flesh. The clothing pieces I had applied to the wound were already starting to get soaked in his blood. I continue to apply pressure, racking my brain for knowledge of healing.

'I looked at the gash on my Mother's hand in horror, we had been building the foundations of a new home. When I ran to fetch an axe for her I had been careless, running back to her and dropping it blade first after I stepped in a small hole in the ground I hadn't seen before. I had caught her off guard, she winced as she applied pressure on it with the sweat rag she always kept in her pocket when we worked. I had apologized profusely, bursting into tears as I watched the blood seep through the cloth, but she wasn't angry with me, she looked over to me giving me a small reassuring smile. "It's okay, sweet child. Go on and fetch my pack from over there. I'm going to teach you a few things about patching up."

First, I'd need supplies. I look up to the Namek and 2 Earthlings, who were intently watching Kakarot's and Frieza's face off. 'They had to have brought some sort of medical supplies with them.' I think to myself

"Hey!" I call out to them; their heads abruptly turn in my direction.

"Did you guys bring any medical supplies with you?" I ask, eyeing the bleeding Prince below me.

The Namekian shakes his head, while Gohan and Krillin exchange a glance between one another, Krillin turns and starts walking towards me.

He comes over and kneels next to me, examining Vegeta's body. "How bad is it?"

I look down at his seeping wounds, also noticing the unnatural way a couple of his limbs are bent.

"I don't think there are any recuperation tanks left in Frieza's ship. The blast went completely through his shoulder; I need bandages to stop the bleeding and possibly something to hold his flesh together. Saiyans heal quicker than most, I just need to get him stabilized somehow..."

Krillin's brows furrow in frustration, "If this happened 30 minutes ago, he'd be alright. That monster Frieza killed Dende, the last Namekian with healing powers..." he looks off in the distance, I follow his gaze and see the body of a Namekian child laying on the ground nearby.

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