Part II: After ─ Invictus

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"Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be  
  For my unconquerable soul.  

In the fell clutch of circumstance
  I have not winced nor cried aloud.  
Under the bludgeonings of chance  
  My head is bloody, but unbowed.  

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
  Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years  
  Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.  

It matters not how strait the gate,
  How charged with punishments the scroll,  
I am the master of my fate:
  I am the captain of my soul."

~ William Ernest Henley


Everyone is sure that Goku had not survived the fight, the Earthlings were all discussing a plan on what to do with the Namekians and how to revive their friends. The Namekian Dragonballs had followed Guru and the rest to Earth to escape their imploding world, but Guru's health had continued to decline— so he transferred his role as Senior Elder to Moori, a trusted Namekian village leader, so the Dragon Balls would not die with him, leading to a tearful and emotional goodbye.

Dende also later informs Gohan and Krillin that the Namekian Dragon Balls can also resurrect a deceased person more than once. This is good news since it would mean that they could still resurrect Chiaotzu and Goku, who had been killed before, which previously was something the Earth's Dragon Shenron could not do, unlike Yamcha and Tien— who had never been killed before and was therefore exempt from this rule.

Everyone is thrilled until King Kai reminds them, via telepathy, that Goku cannot be resurrected because the planet he died on was destroyed, and if wished back, he would only appear in empty space and immediately die again from lack of air. However, Vegeta suggests that they use a wish to transport his remains to Earth first and everyone accepts the idea. Not knowing for a fact if Xylias could show him, Vegeta's main goal is to find out the secret to the Super Saiyan form.

So they make a plan to allocate the wishes, to revive their friends, then to create a new Planet Namek and transport the Namekians back home, but they will have to wait 130 days (one Namek year) to complete the first portion of the wishes. Now their next issue is the Woman who is laid up in the large Capsule Corp dome.


Everyone gathered in the hospital room the day following the group's return. The room is noisy, and it seems everyone who did not join the group on Namek, including king kai and the Z Fighters stuck in otherworld, via telepathy, are talking at once, bombarding Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan with questions over the sedated Saiyan Woman. They try to ask Vegeta about her but retreat back to the other three when the only response they receive is a glare and a low growl.

After getting caught up with the events that happened on Namek, Bulma tells the group what the doctors had told her and Vegeta minus the whole child-baring part, that part seemed a bit too personal to share with them.

But that was all they could tell them, nobody actually knew what had happened to Xylias in her past, what her part in this was before she met the group, or exactly who she is, the only actual facts they knew about her was that A- she is a Saiyan and is seemingly loyal to them, and B- she had come from Planet Vegeta before it's fatal explosion. All that was left was to wait for her to awaken and endure the Earthling Inquisition.

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