Chapter Two

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There were many Legends in Saiyan culture, Golden Warriors, deities, and such. What began as history ended up as stories that were told for children, the origins of the tales made out to be myths by passing generations.

When Frieza took over their home, he made it a point to seek out the strongest of them born, going as far as to kill babies with too high of a power level, or kidnapping them to mold them into his arsenal, tracking strong families down and slaughtering them. He didn't want to know if those stories were true, he wanted to weaken the race so he could bend them to his will, didn't want them getting too strong, when that happens rebellions happen.

    Xylias's mother gave birth to her in a spaceship while she was on a scouting mission, the doctors had previously been worried about the baby's condition because they couldn't detect a power level. Which proved to be true, the baby was born without the small power level most Saiyan babies were born with. She didn't even cry, when she emerged they thought she had died in the womb, the baby had come out lifeless and still. After some rousing and smacking on the back, the baby finally coughed and inhaled the breath of life, but even then she still didn't wail— she just opened her big golden eyes and looked at the surrounding Saiyans in wonder, squirming and making soft cooing noises.

     She was unlike any Saiyan baby any of them had ever seen. Her eyes were a bright shade of yellow, with specks of green and orange in them when you looked closely, her hair too— was not black. It was a bright cinnamon red, with her tail matching.

     The infant had a strange marking on the middle of her back a smidge higher than her shoulder blades. Something that resembled a kunai knife pointing downwards but with a smaller length stem and rounded sides that came down to a point, and a larger circle on the top that had a swirl on the inside. Two opposite facing crescents on each side of the top going with the stem, and in the middle of the knife looking part of the shape there was a V shape with two dashes in the middle. The inside of the mark looked similar to the Saiyan symbol, but it was completely different and nobody in the room knew what it meant.

      The doctors tried to convince the Mother to dispose of the cursed Saiyan baby, but from the moment Ximena looked into her baby's golden eyes, remembering the light and strength she felt during her pregnancy, she saw pure omnipotence in her newborn daughter.

     Ximena knew then, that she needed to keep her daughter a secret from most. She might be undetectable, but those beautiful glowing eyes gave everything away and would ultimately cause her a lot of attention, and perhaps exclusion from their people, but the worst fear of every Saiyan mother was Lord Frieza taking notice of their budding warrior children.

    As the baby started to grow, even though it was known that Saiyan babies matured faster than most races, she continued to surprise Ximena. From early on in her toddlerhood she displayed great power, but it was different than the fellow Saiyan warriors who helped raise her had seen before, none of them could sense the power she held. They would watch her glow slightly during tantrums, and sometimes she got the upper hand on full grown adults by her weaning and walking year. Her mysterious power was intriguing to her mother's fellow Saiyan warriors, who kept it a secret in respect for their comrade.

     She astounded many warriors, and throughout her time she was taken to several of the remaining Saiyan Elders, who told her tales of legendary Golden Warriors of their ancient ancestors from their previous planet, Sadala. Though they saw a vast hidden potential in the child, they did not see this Super Saiyan ability within her due to her lack of power level.

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