Chapter Thirteen

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When Xylias collapses, Bulma and many others including Gohan and Krillin gasp in surprise. Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin had some preconceived notions about the Strange Woman, due to her being a Saiyan, but being with her on Namek and then watching her interaction with Vegeta made them finally realize that Xylias had cared for the Prince, risked her life for the group, and fought alongside Goku because of her unquestionable loyalty to her race. She displayed it quite clearly by kneeling before someone as selfish as Vegeta out of pure respect for him and his previous status.

Watching her reaction to his rejection broke Bulma's heart, she and many others saw the look of absolute defeat on her face before succumbing to her wounds, or perhaps the pain of this was too much for her to bear.

Vegeta gazes down at Xylias in a daze. Having mixed feelings over everything now, his previous anger dissipated. The look on her face before she passed out made him feel something he hadn't felt in a long time, remorse.

Perhaps he was too harsh on her, he faintly remembers being told by his Father how some Saiyan women felt about displaying their tail, how intimate it was for them. It makes him blush in embarrassment again, realizing just how much he had humiliated her in front of all of these people.

Bulma scrambles over to Xylias, touching her face, Xylias twitches slighty in her unconscious state. After confirming that she is still alive, Bulma snaps her head up at Vegeta, glaring at him in utter disgust.

"What the hell is wrong with you Vegeta?! Calling her a liar after all she's done for you?" She yells at him, suddenly feeling protective over Xylias, she thinks about how this Saiyan man is like many of Earth's men, how selfish and ungrateful a lot of them are in regards to women. Vegeta's eyes widen under her powerful glare.

After getting no response from the unusually speechless Saiyan, she snaps her head in Dende's direction, "You! Heal her now!" She demands

Dende hesitates for a moment, looking over to Piccolo and the rest of his people, some were shaking their heads as if to say 'No'. Deep down, he didn't want to either.

He saw her sit beside the Emperor and watch Frieza and his men slaughter his village without a single care or protest, his best friend and elder were killed before his eyes. Even though they were revived, he couldn't bring himself to forgive her. Dende had barely tolerated healing Vegeta after Gohan and Krillin had asked him to, but to him reviving Xylias was just as bad as reviving Frieza. He shakes his head at Bulma, looking to the ground.

"I cannot... I can't forgive her for sitting idly by while my village was slaughtered. We are a peaceful people, she and Frieza are callous, coldhearted murderers, my powers cannot be used for such beings. Reviving Vegeta was my limit." He says, turning away from her. Piccolo puts his hand on Dendes shoulder, nodding to him in comfort and approval.

Bulma wildly looks around to the surrounding people, she understands how they feel, but her anger clouds over those mixed feelings, having just saw Xylias as a fragile, vulnerable woman, a feeling she knows all too well.

"Fine! Be like that then! It's not like it's just as callous for you to turn her away like this!" She sneers at him, then pulls out a diamond-shaped gadget from her backpack.

Now that they are back on Earth, she can use her equipment again without needing an energy source. She sends their coordinate location to her home base, typing out a message requesting the fastest ship Capsule Corp has to offer, and a medical gurney.

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