Chapter Nineteen

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Xylias appears on the hard, rocky surface and takes in the sight of the deep, narrow valley with steep and jutting sides that stretch for hundreds of miles. She has become very familiar with the Canyons, training in this area quite frequently.

She takes a deep breath, inhaling the familiar dry air, and formulates her thoughts about why she is here.

Xylias had gone out to a club with Bulma, and upon being groped by a stranger she accidentally burned the man when she touched him. The Saiyan had never experienced something like this and was determined to find out where she could take this newfound ability.

She thought about what led her to the incident, the anger she felt from his intrusive touch, how she visualized the man burning in her mind, feeling the immense swelling heat that clouded the room from the warm bodies dancing in close proximity, the spark that had shown in her breath when she exhaled.

Now a safe distance away from civilization, Xylias feels secure enough to try and ignite this power again. She raises her palm in an upward motion as if she were holding an invisible object up.

Xylias closes her eyes, although it's night, she can feel the heat rising from the earth below her. The dirt under her feet had been absorbing the warmth from Earth's sun all day.

She focuses on the heat, willing the elements that make up her DNA to draw the earth's hot breath to her palm, envisioning a small flame to ignite.

Xylias hears a faint sizzling sound, her eyes snap open, and sees a small trail of smoke rising above her hand. She exhales a breath she didn't realize she was holding, "It's not a lot... but it's something." she mutters, smiling to herself

Her eyes close again, and she refocuses on her open palm. She visualizes again like before, but this time she makes sure to take slow, continuous, deep breaths.

Xylias feels heat swell in her lungs like before in the club, but more intensely. She concentrates on that too, not completely realizing that her breathing is drawing the heat from the Earth into her body, that it's begging to be released whilst swirling inside her. It doesn't hurt, but Xylias feels warm all of a sudden.

The Saiyan recognizes the building sensation in her body and decides to try and channel that warmth to her palm, visualizing a flame in another attempt.

She hears a popping sound and opens her eyes to see a flickering bright stream of orange and yellow light above her palm.

Her jaw drops, watching the newly ignited flame in wonder.

It's not touching her skin, just hovering a little above her palm. She flinches slightly when it throws a couple of sparks but smiles triumphantly to herself.

She had created fire, from her own will. Xylias raises her other hand to the side of the ball, cradling the heat as if it were precious to her.

Xylias laughs jubilantly, she couldn't believe it. She and her mother spent countless nights building fires by hand for warmth, had she known she was capable of this long ago, they would've saved a lot of time and effort to make something so pivotal for survival without heating technology.

She plays with the fire, pushing the pulsing ball of heat to each hand, the flame never touching her skin. In her jovial state, she loses the concentration on her breathing, and in doing so the fire withers out just as quickly as it started.

Xylias pauses and tries again, her intelligent warrior brain having noticed how her breathing affects this ability. She maintains her breath, circulating the warmth from the ground into her body, and releasing it into her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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