Chapter Twelve

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"but WHY Mother?!" I huff with angst, crossing my arms, "I just want to be around other Saiyans that are my age... it's not fair!" My foot stamps on the ground to emphasize 'fair' in a tantrum-like way. I'm 7 years old... and it's weird not having any friends my age, I feel so... alone. Between all the training and constantly moving throughout the countryside, I just want to feel my age. To play the games I would see other children playing in the streets of towns and villages we'd pass through.

On rare occasions we'd find festivals happening in villages and join. Those were the few times where I felt somewhat normal, singing and dancing to traditional Saiyan songs with other adults and children. But even those have become more scarce, with Frieza cracking down and taking more Saiyans for his army.

I'd been begging Mother to put me in school lately, desperately craving to feel some sense of normalcy.

Mother motions for me to sit on the bench beside hers, a large log from a tree we had cut down and sectioned off earlier. I slam down on the log impatiently.

She gazes at me warily, I can see the internal struggle in her eyes as she watches me silently for a moment. She tosses a large branch into the fire and the blaze eagerly devours it, making the flames reach higher than before.

"I understand your frustration, Xylias. I can see how hard this has been on you, but my duty as your mother is to keep you safe, and you don't need school— I have taught you more than what typical children your age would be learning right now. The classes would certainly bore you..."

I didn't want to go to school to learn, I try to cut her off, "but I don't—"

She holds her hand up, signaling for silence. "I know Xylias, but let me finish. I know you yearn for friendship, but friendship doesn't come easy in our culture. Our race has been conditioned to compete against one another to gain a higher ranking to serve Frieza, that kind of conditioning creates tension between a lot of us, but it especially effects the young. I fear this idea of a friend you have would be crushed by the other children. They would see how different you are from the rest and target you." She gazes wistfully into the swirling flames.

Here she goes again, talking about the 'me being different' thing. I hug my arms close to my midsection, to make myself as small as possible.

"Since you're so embarrassed by me, I could come up with some sort of story to explain my looks... maybe I can pretend to be blind..." I say resentfully as tears start to fill my eyes.

Her head snaps in my direction, her eyes glistening with anger. "I am NOT embarrassed by you, my daughter—"

"Is it because of what the Elders said then? That I'm cursed? Is that why you won't let me?" I croak, "I promise Mother, I won't lose control, I'll lie about my looks, please... I'll do anything..." the tears are freely falling down my face now.

I can see the pained expression on my Mother's face, she closes her eyes, clenching her jaw.

"Alright, we can try." She acquiesces after a while, her voice softer. "But no daughter of mine will 'lie about her looks'. We can omit a few things about your mark, but no matter what happens you must remember your pride. You have a rare beautiful soul, sweet child, don't let anyone walk all over you."

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