Future And Past

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"Hey!" Obi-Wan exclaimed, grabbing Ezra's jacket. "I just want to talk!"

Ezra stopped abruptly as he turned to face him. Obi-Wan released Ezra's jacket, staring at him with a mix of confusion and suspicion.

"Are you a padawan?" Kenobi asked. "You're not wearing Jedi robes."

"No. I mean, yes, but n-not like that." Ezra said, stepping away from Obi-Wan. With time traveling being new to him still, going back to a time before the Empire ruled the galaxy was beyond Ezra's imagination. To top it off he was talking to a great Jedi Master before he even became one.

"I don't follow." Obi-Wan said, breaking his thoughts. "Why don't you just tell me your name?"

Ezra looked at him sideways unsure if he should really trust him, he might just think him insane like Luke did. Ezra didn't want to be locked up in the Temple or some other prison. Obi-Wan didn't look like the person to do something like that, however. . . Ezra sighed softly.

"Ezra. My name is Ezra Bridger."

"Alright. Now can you tell me what you're doing here?" Obi-Wan asked. Ezra hesitated. He really didn't want to risk getting imprisoned, the galaxy was depending on him. After a moment Ezra decided to risk it anyways, he needed the help.

"I'm from the future. I found this stone and it some how transported me to the future, future where I met some of my friends from that time. I nearly got captured by the Grand Jedi Master, then my friends got sucked into the past. My older self pushed me into the past, except I went to far and now I don't know what to do. I could really use somebody's help." Ezra blurted. Obi-Wan stared at the blue haired boy in a confusion. It was so ludicrous he nearly started laughing, however the other boy looked so serious. Kenobi could tell Ezra wasn't lying which either meant he truly was telling the truth or he was insane, simply saying what he thought to be the truth. Obi-Wan was opting for the latter. Ezra looked so honest and desperate Obi-Wan did an unusual thing for him.

"Well, it all sounds ludicrous. Nevertheless, I'll help you." Kenobi said. It wasn't often he offered his help to just whomever, especially when that person sounded insane.

"Really?" Ezra asked, rather surprised. Obi-Wan nodded.

"Just don't make me regret it." He warned. "Anyways, what transported you into the future?"

"This did." Ezra replied as he pulled out the stone. Obi-Wan started when he saw the brown river stone in Ezra's opened hand.

"That's mine!" Kenobi exclaimed. He slipped his hand inside his outer tunic and pulled a stone exactly like the one Ezra was holding. Suddenly the river stone in Obi-Wan's hand glowed intensely as it levitated above his hand. Ezra and Obi-Wan stared at it in shock as it began to spin with such speed it was hard to stand up straight while staring at it. Abruptly it stopped, bursting into brown dust that glowed slightly.

"Unexpected." Obi-Wan said after a moment.

"I wonder why it did that." Ezra said.

"Perhaps two things can't exist in one place?" Obi-Wan suggested. "Time traveling wise."

"I met my older self. He didn't explode or disappear." Ezra said.

"Odd." Kenobi said, looking down at the dust on his hand and tunic. "Perhaps we should get my Master."

"No!" Ezra exclaimed. "I mean, we should just keep this to ourselves. Unless you just want to see the inside of a padded room."

"Yeah, no. I would rather not." Kenobi replied. "It will be difficult explaining my absence."

"I'm sure you can come up with something." Ezra said as he began to walk down the corridor.

"I'm not going to lie!" Obi-Wan said, falling in step next to Ezra.

"I do. And steal." Ezra said with a sly smile. Kenobi raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything in response.

"Hey, which ways out?" Ezra asked.

"The other way." Kenobi replied. "But I need to go to my quarters first anyways."

Ezra shrugged, letting Kenobi take the lead. A few Knights and Masters gave Ezra a strange look, though none stopped the two. When they reached Kenobi's quarters Ezra waited outside earning him several more stares from the people walking past. Ezra ignored them best as he could, occupying himself with examining the river stone. It didn't appear any different than when he had first found it. Just a plain, smooth, brown river stone that was sensitive to the Force. Obi-Wan strode out of his quarters quickly, snapping Ezra from his thoughts. Ezra noticed the worried expression on his face.

"What's the matter?" Ezra asked Kenobi.

"We need to go. Now." Obi-Wan said, running down the corridor. Ezra hurried to catch up to him. They hopped on a turbolift, riding it down to the ground level. Kenobi kept looking over his shoulder as they walked to the entrance of the Temple.

"Blast!" He exclaimed suddenly. Obi-Wan grabbed Ezra's arm, pulling him along as he broke into a run. Ezra risked a glance back and saw a tall, older man with long brown hair trotting towards him. His long strides quickly catching up to them.

"Who's that?" Ezra asked Obi-Wan.

"My Master!" Kenobi answered as they ran out of the Temple.

"Obi-Wan!" His Master called after them. The two boys hurriedly jumped down the huge set of stairs, running to the nearest air taxi.

"Kenobi!" His master hollered as they sped away into the air traffic of Coruscant. Kenobi cringed when he heard his Master, scooting down in his seat.

"I better not regret this." He mumbled, shooting Ezra a glare.

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