Back To The Future 1

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The skies of Lothal grew dark and streaked with lightning as Kanan and Ezra walked across the plains. The wind whipped Kanan's white hair across his face, though he didn't pay any attention to it. Too caught up in replaying the events of that morning. Torturing himself again and again. Though he wasn't the only one; beside him, Ezra couldn't help but think of that morning as well. Who would have thought it could have ended so badly, so quickly?

It began before the sun had fully rose over the hazy horizon.

Ezra had barely been awake when a deafening explosion shook the tower. He and Sabine fell off their bunk bed as the shock wave disrupted anything not bolted down. Scrambling out of the door, Ezra ran out onto the balcony, slamming into the railing; looking around wildly for the source of the explosion. Sabine joined him momentarily with her blasters at the ready. Below flames burned through the tall dry grass, turning it to ash within seconds. Ezra couldn't locate the source of the explosion due to the raging flames. The Ghost was turned on its side, however, the rest of the crew seemed alright as they crawled out of the top hatch.
Moments later Ezra and Sabine were on the ground running to the Ghost. Kanan helped Hera down to the ground despite her protests against the 'unnecessary' aid. Chopper chirped loudly as he waved his mechanical arms around wildly, rolling towards Ezra and Sabine.

"I can see that, Chopper." Ezra said, coming to a stop by the droid.
Chopper chirped angrily and pointed one of his mechanical arms past the overturned ship. Sabine glanced in the direction the astromech was pointing, not expecting to see anything. Unfortunately she did see something and it wasn't good.

"Ezra, look!" Sabine exclaimed as she grabbed his arm.
Ezra looked where she was pointing, past the Ghost aways. Through the smoke, amongst the flames, was a figure kneeling down with an elongated object. He shouted a warning to the others too late as a projectile exploded just behind the Ghost. Fire welled up, reflecting brightly in Ezra's eyes as they widened. A wave of heat hit the ship, sending it spinning through the air above the crew's heads. They felt themselves being thrown backwards from the force of the explosion. Ezra hit the dirt, landing hard on his left shoulder. The world swirled around him as Ezra tried to sit up. Curling black smoke hung heavily in the air, shrouding everything. Or perhaps that was his vision going. A figure, a man, in dark clothing stepped through the smoke. He tossed aside the rocket launcher he had used previously as he scanned the destruction. The Ghost had been reduced to a mangled heap of scrap amongst the flaming grass. Chopper, the poor little astromech, appeared in equal bad shape. Ezra began to panic as the man drew a blaster pistol. In his rush to get out of the tower, he had forgotten his lightsaber. He attempted to prop himself up, unfortunately Ezra's left shoulder had gone limp, most likely dislocated. Trying again with his other arm, Ezra managed to get to his feet. He wavered for a moment as pressure mounted against his head and his ears rang. Blood smeared across one side of his face, rivets of it flowing down from a gash in his head.

The man paid him no heed as he walked over to Hera's form on the ground.
She laid on her stomach all battered and bruised from the explosion.
Her eyes were still shut as her mind fought for consciousness.
She was defenseless.
And still the mand aimed the blaster at her head, pulling the trigger back.
Ezra flinched as the blaster bolt made impact, searing through the Twi'Lekk's green skin. A blackened hole, still smoldering, marred her head permanently. The man carefully walked over to Zeb, whom was still unconscious as well.
Again he aimed and pulled the trigger with no remorse.
A third time sent a blaster bolt straight through Sabine's head as she charged the man.
Ezra desperately tried again to stand only to have a blaster bolt burn through his stomach. With a cry of pain he collapsed upon the ground. His eyes stung, but not from the smoke.
Sabine was gone.
Across from him the man turned back to the body laying in front of him.
It was Kanan.
Ezra reached out with the Force and wrenched the blaster pistol out of the man's hand. However, the effort was weak and the man easily regained his blaster. As he came closer Ezra realized who the man was, although he could hardly believe it was him.
Agent Kallus.
Ezra and his younger self had sensed his presence before, however, Ezra didn't think Kallus was going to be this treacherous. Had Kaaydin and Ben not disappeared and the vortex open up, Ezra would have dealt with Kallus sooner. Instead he had put it aside for a good night's rest. A mistake he wouldn't make again. Ever.

Ezra rolled onto his back to find himself staring at the barrel of a blaster pistol.
A blaster fired, causing Ezra to flinch. Above him, Kallus lurched slightly before falling backwards. Ezra twisted around to see Kanan standing a couple meters behind holding a blaster in one hand while the other held his side.
A smoldering hole in Kallus' forehead remained behind. His eyes were wide and unblinking up at the sky. Ezra rested his head on the ground as he sighed. His vision blurred even more, from tears this time.

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