Wrong Is Right

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"I'm sorry, Kenobi." Garen apologized as the three strode into the Temple. Ezra was beginning to strongly dislike the place despite what era it was in.
Obi-Wan didn't respond to his friend's apology, to him it wasn't a sincere one. Slowing his pace Obi-Wan fell into step next to Ezra. Subtlety gesturing towards the entrance of the Temple Obi-Wan raised his eyebrows at Ezra. The latter nodded in response. They turned on heel, preparing to sprint to the entrance when a large man blocked their way. Obi-Wan faltered realizing it was his Master Qui-Gonn Jinn, whom did not appear happy.

"Obi-Wan," Qui-Gonn began, "You best have a valid explanation for your behaviour."

Obi-Wan's gaze fell from his Master's, quickly glancing over at Ezra. Ezra avoided both of their eyes, growing impatient with each second wasted on trying to explain the unexplainable.

"I-I do. Though you may not believe it." Obi-Wan answered hesitantly.
Qui-Gonn looked at him expectantly, however, Obi-Wan didn't speak any further in fear it would upset Ezra. His sudden bond and loyalty couldn't be explained, though as his Master was fond of saying, 'the Force works in mysterious ways'. When Obi-Wan didn't elaborate on what he meant Qui-Gonn sighed deeply.

"Who is your friend?" Qui- Gonn asked, turning his attention to Ezra.

"Ezra Bridger." Ezra mumbled, avoiding Qui-Gonn's judgemental stare.

"Where are you from, Ezra Bridger?" Qui-Gonn inquired.

"Lothal." Ezra replied, finally meeting the older man's eyes.

"Do yo- " Qui-Gonn was cut off by Ezra, his impatience getting the better of him.

"Look. I need Obi-Wan's help and we really need to go." Ezra said in a snarky voice. "So if you'll just let us go. . . "

Obi-Wan' s expression gave Ezra the feeling he shouldn't have said that. Ezra swallowed hard and glanced over at Garen whom was watching them carefully.

"Why do you need my padawan's help?" Qui-Gonn asked, his demeanor was more demanding than asking.

"Just do." Ezra said with false defiance. If he told Qui-Gonn he might never get a chance to set things right in the future. Assuming Ezra could even find what had been broken and in what timeline. Catching Garen's attention, Qui-Gonn told him to find his Master. Ezra and Obi-Wan remained silent, both staring down at their boots. For a brief moment Ezra contemplated leaving Obi-Wan behind, however, he was sure he needed the other boy's help. Perhaps Obi-Wan's Master would understand his situation as well?

"Time travel." Ezra blurted, breaking the silence.

"I'm from the future. I need Obi-Wan's help to find a way back, to my own timeline." Ezra explained, each word hesitantly.

"Time travel?" Qui-Gonn repeated with noticeable skepticism.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I swear it's true." Ezra said hurriedly. "I think Obi-Wan will be able to help me."

Qui-Gonn fell silent as he watched Ezra and Obi-Wan, unsure of what to believe. After a long stretch of silence the Jedi Master spoke again.

"How do you plan on returning to your own time?" He asked, his eyes glinting with curiosity. Ezra thought about it for a moment and realized he didn't have a way per se.

"I don't know yet. Honestly, I don't even know how all of this began." Ezra admitted. Qui-Gonn simply nodded as though he had suspected this.

"If what you say is true, then we should work quickly to resolve it." Qui-Gonn said.

"You mean you'll help me?" Ezra asked in surprise.
Obi-Wan jerked his head up, rather shocked by his Master's words.

"I must be honest, things have not. . . Felt right for a few days." Qui-Gonn said. "Perhaps it has to do with this time traveling."

They quieted down when they saw Garen and his Master, Clee Rhara, approaching.

"Master Jinn." Master Rhara said, raising her eyebrows in expectation.

"It's fine now, Master Rhara. We've resolved matters." Qui-Gonn replied with a nod of his head. However, Clee Rhara didn't seemed convinced as she stepped towards Ezra and Obi-Wan.

"Really?" Clee Rhara questioned. Her voice sounded haughty as did her demeanor. Qui-Gonn furrowed his brows at her abnormal behaviour. It wasn't like his friend to act in such a way. Ezra caught on quickly and began to shuffle away from the female Jedi Master. Garen also moved over towards Master Jinn, sensing something wasn't quite right about his Master.

"I beg your pardon?" Qui-Gonn said, taking a couple steps towards Master Rhara. The other Jedi present didn't seem to notice the small group.

"I don't believe you are telling the truth." Master Rhara said flatly as she met Qui-Gonn's gaze.
Ezra glanced at Obi-Wan as the tension grew between the Jedi Masters. Apparently every Jedi Temple was going to leave him with a bad impression. Trying to be discreet, Ezra looked around for a way to distract the female Jedi Master. The other Jedi still appeared unaware of what was transpiring near them. Ezra was fairly certain they wouldn't help him anyways. Master Rhara noticed him eyeing the many possible exits. She turned her attention to him for a moment, long enough for Garen Muln to use the Force to push her back. It wasn't powerful, barely enough to trip her up causing her to land hard on her backside. However, the others took it as their cue to split the scene, closely followed by Garen.
Now, the other Jedi milling about caught sight of what happened. A couple helped Master Rhara to her feet while some went after Ezra and his friends.

"This just so isn't my day." Ezra muttered as they ran down the Temple steps.

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