Tales Of The Future

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Year: 32072
Location: Lothal

Ezra opened his eyes, squinting against the bright sunlight pouring over him. He laid there momentarily, gazing up at the clear blue sky above him. Unsure of where he was, Ezra sat up sluggishly to look around at his surroundings. Tall, yellow grass spread across the ground, moving like waves in the slight breeze. Gray streaked boulders stood proudly here and there amongst the sea of grass. To the horizon on his left were outlines of buildings grouped togther. Ahead of him several meters away was the Ghost, all gray and worn. Behind Ezra the grass rustled loudly, startling him.

"Hey, Ezra." Kanan greeted as he stepped next to him.
Ezra jumped to his feet, facing Kanan. He breathed a sigh of relief he hadn't realized he'd been holding. It was Kanan - Not him in fifty years, not him from ten years ago, but him from now. Ezra had done it; he'd fixed everything. Things were as they should be, people were where they should be. That did mean Ezra would have to face the Empire every day, however, he knew his efforts wouldn't been in vain. Moreover, he had his friends back. His friends he would go to the ends of the galaxy for. Friends he would go through time for.

Ezra wrapped his arms around Kanan in a panicked embrace. He thought he wouldn't get to see Kanan again, that he wouldn't be able to say hello again. After all those were the worst goodbyes. The ones that ended with no hello.
It was alright though - For now. And that was what mattered to Ezra. He learned something more valuable than kyber crystals;
Your present becomes your past and your future your present. Now truly is the most important time because it becomes your life, so mind it well.


Year: 32034
Location: Coruscant

Obi-Wan walked down the corridor within the Jedi Temple. For the second time in his life he was late for lightsaber training. His Master wouldn't mind though, every Padawan was late to a class at least five times in their life. There was a feeling deep inside Obi-Wan though. It had been distracting him all morning; the reason for him being late to class. He couldn't quite place it, it felt as if he were forgetting something significant. More than likely the feeling was just left over from a strange dream. A very real feeling dream. Although he kept thinking of a strange blue haired boy in a tattered orange jumpsuit. He was quite sure that wasn't a dream, more of a memory of an old friend. Obi-Wan pushed the thoughts aside as he caught the turbolift. He would dwell more on the thoughts later.
Garen was already there in the turbolift, late as well.

"Tsk, tsk. Late are we, Kenobi?" Garen teased as the doors closed.

"As are you." Obi-Wan retorted.

"Touché." Garen replied with a grin.
As they waited for the turbolift to stop, Obi-Wan couldn't help, but think of the strange feeling. There had to be a connection between the two. Obi-Wan dismissed the thoughts again as the doors parted to reveal another corridor. His Master and Garen's were chatting at the opposite end, waiting for their padawans.
Even if Obi-Wan had forgotten something important at least he hadn't forgotten his best friend. His friend he would go to the ends of the galaxy for. Even time travel. If that were possible.


Year: 32056
Location: Somewhere in the Outer rim

Kenobi adjusted the goggles on his face as he stepped to the edge of the cliff. Battle droids marched through the narrow gully below; complaining about the tight space with every step. The space was barely able to accommodate two droids side by side. Commander Cody stepped up next to Kenobi. The Jedi Master could see a frown on the clone's face out of his peripheral vision. Kenobi knew he would object to this plan.
It was reckless.
Especially for Kenobi.

"With all due respect sir," Cody began. "This is a highly dangerous plan."

"Well, of course it is, Cody." Kenobi replied with a smirk. "That's why it'll work."

"I think General Skywalker's antics have rubbed off on you." Cody said with a sigh. He slipped his white and yellow helmet on in preparation for the battle to come.

"Antics." Obi-Wan chuckled quietly.
He fell silent as he observed the scene below more carefully. If all went well, they would have the separatists packing before evening. Such a win for the Republic would be substantial.

"I invented antics, dear Cody." Kenobi said with a grin as he jumped off the cliff backwards.

Cody followed suit. Not because he approved of the plan or because Kenobi was his General. It was simply some friends were worth doing crazy things for.


Year: 3327
Location: Coruscant

Kaaydin sighed sadly as he stared at the old holophoto of him, Jai, and their Master Ezra. Despite all they had been through that day, all those years ago, he still had the biggest smile. It would have been Ezra's sixty-seventh birthday today, Kaaydin thought, had he not passed six years ago. If only he were still there with him and Jai, then maybe everything would be better. Shaking his head, Kaaydin set the holophoto down. He was late meeting up with Luke, Ben and Zaren. Being around them would help Kaaydin through the day, at least he hoped. Luke wanted him to teach younglings later that week while the regular teacher was on maternity leave. Kaaydin wasn't so sure his parents would like the idea, but he enjoyed being around the younglings. And it would be a nice distraction to everything else he had been dealing with. How nice it would have been to have had a normal childhood like all the younglings at the Temple. At the very least a consistent one.
Shoving the dreary thoughts aside Kaaydin forced a smile as he saw Jai and Jaina walk towards him. Despite what horrible memories surfaced at inopportune moments, Kaaydin still had his friends.

"You're running late." Jai commented as he slung an arm around Kaaydin's shoulders.
Jaina smiled politely and kept walking.

"Are you okay?" Jai asked, once Jaina was out of earshot.

"I'm fine." Kaaydin replied quickly.

"Right." Jai said dryly. "So I'll be keeping you away from anything that you can kill yourself with."

"Harpy." Kaaydin muttered darkly.
Jai was right though, harsh, but right. Although Kaaydin was beginning to learn some friends were worth living for. Worth going to the ends of the galaxy for. And worth going through time for.


Time flows and goes,
As do friends and foes,
For time lasts forever,
However, you may not,
So cherish the time you do have,
Love the bonds you forge and mend the torns,
After all we are limited in time,
But the words we say are not.

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