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The winds rolling across the dry surface blew Obi-Wan's hair around his face as he stopped to observe his surroundings. Beside him, R4 whistled quietly, unhappy about their current state. Kenobi opened his mouth to reply to the droid when movement caught his attention. Looking carefully, he saw a man in armor hiding behind a boulder several meters ahead. Obi-Wan watched him for a moment as he dashed from the boulder to another. In the sunlight Obi-Wan could see the man's armor was white with yellow streaking across the shoulder plates. His heart skipped a few beats as Kenobi realized it was Cody.
What in the blazing blue blasted galaxy was going on? Kenobi thought.
Obi-Wan took a hesitant step forward when it occurred to him whomever Cody was hiding from he should be as well. Turning to his right Kenobi started up a short incline littered with rocks. At the top he sank down to his knees then stomach and crawled to the edge. Below he saw the strange blue haired boy from the cargo ship, his younger self and Qui-Gon. Kenobi tried not to focus on his former Master, instead thinking of why was Cody hiding from them. Perhaps he was confused and didn't recognize the Jedi.
Obi-Wan let out a sigh. Whether he liked it or not he would have to face Jinn. Cody needed to know he wasn't crazy and the others needed to know there were more people involved in this mess.
Crawling back from the edge Kenobi contemplated his options. He looked down at his clothes with a frown. If all possible he didn't want Qui-Gon to recognize him or his younger self. Standing up, Kenobi undid the broad belt around his waist and removed his outer and under tunics. His under shirt looked blindingly white against the bland landscape. There wasn't much that could be done about that though. Bundling the tunics with the belt Kenobi shoved them behind a rock. It felt odd to him to be in simply his long sleeved shirt, pants and traveling boots. Crouching he gave his lightsaber to R4 for safe keeping. With a spare piece of string Obi-Wan tried his hair back. Oh, if only Anakin could see him now.
It could hardly be called a disguise, however, it wasn't his appearance that would be the hindrance. It would be covering up his emotions, keeping them away from the surface where they could be sensed. That should be easy, Kenobi thought, that's all Jedi ever accomplish in life, hiding their feelings.


Ezra lagged behind Obi-Wan and Qui-Gonn. His mind tried picking through the chaos etched into it. There had to be something there that would help him solve this mess. The only thing the future, past and present had in common was Obi-Wan Kenobi's river stone. In the future Kaaydin knew about it, in the past Obi-Wan actually had it and in the present Ezra had found in. All three places had something to do with the river stone. Whatever was so special about a stupid rock?
Perhaps it wasn't the rock, maybe it was Obi-Wan?
Ezra began to wonder if it was an accident he had gone to the past instead of his own time.
Movement up ahead to the side of their path caught Ezra's attention. The two in front of him were aware of it as well and paused. A domed astromech droid of red and white rolled down the short incline. He was followed by a lanky young man wearing a dusty white long sleeved shirt, cream colored pants with brown traveling boots. His golden brown hair was swept back in a short ponytail, done with little care. His very blue eyes and their seriousness reminded Ezra of Obi-Wan.
The thought occured to him, however, he dismissed it. This young man wasn't dressed as a Jedi nor did he carry a lightsaber. There was the small possibility that indeed he was Obi-Wan Kenobi, from a different timeline though. With all the time travel and theories there was the chance of multiple timelines developing. Also in theory Ezra could eliminate them by setting the main time stream straight, as in a watch being reset to its factory default.
All this assuming he could fix it and that it was fixable.

"Hallo." The young man greeted with an accent. He gave them an uneasy smile.

"Hello." Qui-Gon returned his greeting. "And who might you be?"

"I would be the pilot of the other ship that caused the crash." He replied.
"I-I'm Owen." He added quickly.

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Ezra sensed something off about the man. Qui-Gon seemed to feel the same way as he stared at Owen.

"I am Qui-Gonn Jinn," Qui-Gon introduced himself, "This is my Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi," He said turning to him, "And his friend Ezra Bridger."

Owen gave a curt nod as he shoved his hands into his pants pockets. Inwardly Kenobi was about to die from behaving in such a manner. The added pressure of lying to his dead Master wasn't helping him any. He was saved from the prolonged uncomfortable silence between them when someone came down the incline. It was Cody. He slid the rest of the way down the incline with his helmet tucked under his arm.

"Cody." Kenobi said with mild surprise.
Ezra immediately recognized him to be a clone. Captain Rex had armor like what this Cody was wearing.
Hadn't Rex mentioned a Commander Cody?

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