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Kenobi wasn't sure how much longer he could dangle there by his finger tips. Due to his angle, lack of concentration and inability to determine where the small out croppings laid, he couldn't use the Force to aid him in climbing. He was perfectly stuck just above the smooth surface with no way to move back down or up. Just fantastic, Obi-Wan thought bitterly. He hadn't heard crashing, or seen any explosion, therefore, the ship that had gone down should be coming back up. Or so Kenobi hoped. In the meantime he would simply have to hold on. Though simply wasn't an adequate word for his situation.
Obi-Wan gritted his teeth in frustration. Already his fingers were beginning to give out, slipping closer to the edge of the rough surface.
The sound of repulsors roaring to life left Obi-Wan feeling deaf from the sudden burst of noise. It subsided to an unsteady humming, echoing up the pit. Moments later Obi-Wan could see the shadowy outline of a cargo ship, its wings glowing dully as they smoldered.
When it was a few meters below Kenobi, he let go of his failing hand hold, pushing himself away from the side of the sinkhole with the Force. He landed atop the cargo ship in a crouch with a light thump. The ship shuddered briefly as Kenobi stood upright, nearly knocking him off balance. Obi-Wan debated for a moment on going inside the ship, however, he decided the occupants may not be happy with an extra person on board. He imagined the tensions were running rather high after the unpredictable near crash landing. On Utapau of all the planets in the galaxy nonetheless.
Once the ship had landed on the surface, Kenobi jumped off the top. With any luck the cargo ship could be repaired soon and the lot of them could return to their respective places. Kenobi was about to step around the corner of the ship to introduce himself to the passengers getting off when he saw something he didn't think could exist anywhere, except in his thoughts.
It was unmistakably Qui-Gonn Jinn stranding tall above the others, with his long hair brushed back, strands falling in face. Beside him, on either side, were a younger version of himself with spiked golden brown hair and his best friend Garen. Kenobi nearly choked out loud as emotions rose in his throat. He hurriedly backed away hoping no one saw him.
How was this possible? They were dead.
His Master and Garen.
They were dead.
Yet they were clearly there and very much so alive. Kenobi didn't know how it was possible, though, he did know he couldn't stick around to find out. Without a second glance back, Obi-Wan walked away in haste, the slight sting of tears in his eyes.


The other, younger, Obi-Wan was rather greatful to be on solid ground. Though, he couldn't help to feel a slight pain in his chest. Not the physical type, the type that made your heart ache. He didn't know why though and he didn't like it, especially not now. Not after their near death encounter with the bottom of the sinkhole.

"Everybody alright?" Ra'Lu asked, brushing off her clothes.

"Yeah, I love getting thrown out of a crashing ship." Ezra muttered sarcastically.
Unfortunately for him Ra'Lu heared his remark and narrow her eyes at him. She refrained from saying anything, after all they were still high strung.
"I think it's best if we split up." Qui-Gonn said. "I'm sure Ra'Lu and Garen can get the ship back in operation."

Ra'Lu nodded in agreement, seeing as it was the only logical choice in this situation. Ezra, Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan gathered a few salvageable supplies before setting off. The Jedi Master opted to find another sinkhole, one which was inhabited.
None of the three were aware of the figure shadowing them; too far behind to be felt through the Force without concentration.
Darting behind boulders, outcroppings, and whatever else could provide cover, the man trailed behind the Jedi. Perspiration formed on the man's brow as he painstakingly maneuvered through the sparse landscape. He had to find a way to get the blue haired boy away from the other two Jedi. Once he was erased from the picture, then, then things could be set straight. How they should have been instead of how they were. The man shook his head to clear it, he was getting ahead of himself again. The present was where he needed to put his focus, or all his work would be meaningless.
First the boy.
Then the rest would fall into place.


Kenobi wandered around aimlessly across the desolate surface. After having left the cargo ship, he'd found R4. He was glad to have the little astromech droid by his side, though, it hardly made him feel better. Kenobi pondered what had happened to him.
Had he crashed and this was all a dream?
Was he in a coma?
Perhaps it was real after all; he had dealt with a form of time travel. However, Kenobi was quite sure the Daughter, Son and Father were dead, at the very least, not interacting with others.
Time travel.
What in the blazing galaxy could have caused it?
Obi-Wan sighed heavily as he ran a hand through his long golden brown hair. He was simply letting all this get to him, there had to be a perfectly reasonable answer for everything. Until he found it, he had to remain calm.

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