Chap 2 - The Catastrophe

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Happiness... Happiness... Is... Gone... I was buried in happiness with the people at the orphanage and completely forgot about this day. I wasn't prepared mentally for this to happen. Every time it happens, it still feels like the first time. Or maybe it is how I was born to feel like this every time.

December 25th 2012

The Catastrophe is happening. All the adults are dead leaving the children back with the feeling of hopelessness. Saito is also gone. I ran to the orphanage with the hope they will be there. I know they will be there, they have always been there...

When (Y/N) reached the Hyakuya Orphanage

No! They're not here? Did the vampire take them? No way! This never happened before. What is going on with this timeline? Was it because I interfered with the last timeline?


I hate doing flashbacks because I'm the type of person that may change stuff later in the story.

By the way, I may change stuff suddenly out of nowhere. Like it may create plot holes. And I hate plot holes so I will try my best! 😭

The last timeline before the present timeline // Timeline 941

Before it collapses, everything around me is white, it is an empty space. The world is resetting... This was my best timeline so far... I'm so close to the answer, the... happy ending... I cannot accept defeat like this...

With all my might, trying to gather what is left within this timeline. Trying to rewind it back. I am the strongest being here. I can do it! Every fragment of this timeline is converting back slowly and slowly... I... will... get... my... happy... ending...

My mind then goes blank, even the strongest being cannot do something impossible. I was so close to it... though.


From there, I decided to not overdo interfering with the timeline. I let it flow the way it wants, maybe... I won't make the same mistake... Unless the chance comes.

I will be acting like a human being from now on.

I ran around, in the hope to find Mika and others at the orphanage. How unlucky am I... I fell, and there was a scratch on my knees. This is very bad. I am bleeding... Clomp. Clomp. I was startled. I got goosebumps from those footsteps. No mistake. My blood lured a noble. What's even worse is that it was Ferid. Tch... He is important, I cannot kill him.

"What an interesting face!" he said in an amusement

I stay silent and try to act scared.

"My, my, were you scared? Let me help you," he said kindly and offered me his hand.

Having some of my memories about him, I knew it was a lie, but accepted his hand anyways, "Really?" I said with hope in my voice.

He smiled and pulled my little arm up. I am now suspended in the air. He looked down at my knee. With a smirk, he said, "You seem to taste good!"

Even though I know this will happen, I'm still scared. As his fangs slowly get deep into the veins at my neck. I groaned. My vision blurred. The last thing I thought of was Mika's smile.


I'm super bad with imagery!! I hope you guys can imagine the situation 😭

I think this kind of cliffhanger is in many of Owari no Seraph fanfic 😂

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