Chap 14 - Seraph

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Yu did not cooperate, and so Mika had no choice, but to carry him in a princess way. I felt kind of jealous.

We ran away. Yu tried to get out of Mika's hand and he did. We stopped not far from where we were. Then a girl screamed, it was from the purple-haired girl. Yu said the voice is from Shinoa, so that is her name.

Then Yu tried to run toward them but Mika was holding his hand, but then Yu's eyes turned red, and his tears were also red, or it could be blood. Then now the eye was black and a black wing came out from his back.

He is not Yu anymore. He attempted to attack Mika. I stood in front of Mika and blocked the aftershocks from the possessed Yu's attack.

"Seraph..." I whispered. This is going to be fun.

"Sorry Mika.." I said.

"(Y/N)?" He confused,

I left Mika behind and followed Yu. I need to bite him, I need to get that Seraph blood. I need to unlock the Seraph in me. He seemed to be aiming only at the humans. He keeps repeating: "all humans must be killed," and "must kill all sinners". I dashed in front of him and launched a slash, still holding back, it was just enough to destroy a couples building.

Yu dashed by me and said, "You don't belong here.."

I was surprised by what he said, the Seraph in this timeline also knows about me. I wondered how many individuals know me in this timeline. I got careless with my thoughts and Yu aimed straight at Shinoa, she was behind me, but Mika blocked it.

"YU! DON'T KILL HUMANS!" Mika yelled.

I'm angry at myself for letting him stab Mika again. I run to him, and bite Yu from behind.

"Sorry, Mika..." I said to him again, "I will go back to you again, just wait okay."

I threw Yu away from Mika and threw Mika toward Ferid.

"SHINOA EMBRACE YU!" shouted Guren.

Not yet! I gotta fight him. I need to test my power. I... I... Crap. It may take over me... I need to fight it... My vision is getting red. I can feel the wings grow behind my back. I... won't... let it control me!

It seems like I am not prepared for this yet, turning vampire and having seraph power unlocked at the same time was exhausting.

My vision got blurry. I fell to the ground and saw Shinoa hugging Yu. He turned back to normal but unconscious.

3rd POV

(Y/N) is lying on the ground still conscious but she cannot move her body at all. She is now a real vampire with Seraph inside her.

Crowley and Ferid both decided to retreat. Mika is still wanting to fight, but he can't. More men from the human side showed up. even their Lieutenant General, Kureto Hiragi, is here.

Mika had no choice but to leave (Y/N) and Yu. He then thinks of (Y/N) promising him that she will come back to him. She had full of his trust.

Shinjuku is still under human side control. Guren went and picked up (Y/N), who was now unconscious.


Thank you for still being here and reading my fanfic ^^

I follow the details in the manga so much. I'm still bad at describing things T^T

I want to make a story like you're a character in the world of OnS and experience things with Mika.

And if you find (Y/N) having too many different personalities, like how she was so obsessed with Mika but then willing to leave him for the seraph, ngl it's because of me doing badly as a writer. but but, let's just see it because she has been through many lives, and in each life, she developed a different kind of personality so it all mixed inside her. hehe 

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