Chap 18 - Nagoya

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Guren and his subordinates are at the Ebina stop, now only need to wait for Yu's team to come. Here I meet the people who fought Mika. The blue hair woman is 2nd Lieutenant Shigure Yukimi. Another 2nd Lieutenant Sayuri Hanatory has blond hair. Yellow hair man with a beard is Colonel Norito Goshi. Another Colonel, Mito Jujo, has scarlet hair. I planned to fight them to get some revenge for Mika.

"No killing," Guren warned me.

"Tch," I said.

Then a sports car comes out of the way, the man driving is Major General Shinya Hiragi. Guren was surprised because he was here to help. They seem to be close. Guren then announced that he wanted to end this battle with the lowest casualties. Hehe, should I mess them up before the battle?. But before I did something Guren stared straight at me. Yikes.

"Don't look at me like that," I mouthed to him.

After a while

Yu finally arrived, but he was late and tried to sneak in. Guren saw him and others. Guren was very pissed. I understand that this is a suicide mission and Guren wants everything to go perfectly. In the end, he still gave them punishment. Guren gives a speech, warning them that he will not put up with any playing around and that some of them will die. This is not a game he said. Second Lieutenant Shigure passes out the individual orders for each squad.

After Guren's speech, they all got fired up

I cannot wait to see them suffer.

Me and Guren Squad are inside a building, as Shigure went and called for Yu.

Shinya and I had a small talk.

"Are you Guren's new favorite?" asked Shinya.

"Hahhh?" I said as I tilted my head to one side. He is just keeping me company and not making a mess here.

Shinya then giggled at me as Guren glanced at us.

"Oh hey, (Y/N)," said Yu waving at me as he came in with Shigure.

"Hi!!" I waved back.

Then they talk about themself and family. Not my interest. Guren ordered Goshi to make an illusion of Yu begging and crying. The illusion attracted Shinoa Squad's attention and they all hurried into the building. Shinoa used her cursed gear to destroy the illusion. Guren said this is the punishment.

Guren then wants to do a test, he, Shinya, and Mito will fight Shinoa Squad.

"Does that include me?" I asked.

"No," he replied, "even though the last time I said (Y/N) will be in your team, but this time she will be with my team," Guren announced to Shinoa Squad.

"Boring," I protested.

Then Shinoa Squad went outside and prepared themself for the fight. Shinoa Squad has terrible teamwork, so they lose to how perfect teamwork is on Guren's team.

After a while, Shigure announced for the squads to be prepared and move out to Nagoya.

I'm coming, Mika! Just a little bit more. I can feel you're close.

3rd POV

Mika is in Nagoya capturing the humans with Rene and Lacus, and other vampires. Mika is struggling to hold his thirst.

"You're not going to drink," Lacus asked Mika.

"I'm not interested in human blood," Mika lied.

"So then what are you interested in, (Y/N)'s blood?" Lacus mocked.

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