Chap 21 - Heading to Nagoya Airport

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I then put one of his arms on my shoulder and picked Yu up with my other hand, then helped them to the nearby building. We sat on the floor to rest. Then there was a bottle-clicking sound. Mika and I looked over to the source of the sound. A human boy is standing there frozen. He shouted for help, then I heard a couple of footsteps, they were running away. Poor kid. Then Mika dashed right at him and pinned him to the floor.

"Blood," Mika said.

I ran up to Mika to calm him down.

"Just one tiny blood and I will become a full vampire..." Mika said.

"Take mine Mika. Calm down," I said.

"M... Monster," the kid said.

Mika was shocked by the kid's words and the kid was able to run away.

"I'm sorry... I don't want to become a vampire..." Mika said, crying.

I hugged him, "It's okay Mika... I'm sorry for becoming one of them before you,..." I said.

"Now drink mine, it will calm you down for now..." I added.

"No... I don't want to, it will hurt you..." he said worriedly.

"It's okay, I'm not that weak, you know," I said, forcing his head toward my neck.

"I'm sorry..." he said and then bit my neck gently, and sucked my blood.

I groaned.

"(Y/N)!" Mika said worriedly.

"I'm okay," I said to calm him down.

This is bad, how long did he hold his thirst, my vision got fuzzy, and I black out.

3rd POV

Yu finally woke up. The first thing he saw was Mika sucking (Y/N)'s blood.

"Are you two lovers?" Yu asked Mika.

Mika finally stopped sucking on (Y/N)'s neck, looking straight at Yu. His thirst is still not gone. (Y/N)'s blood is not enough anymore. Mika dashed straight at Yu and attacked him for his blood. Mika and Yu had a small fight, then Yu stopped fighting back and offered Mika his blood. Mika finally got his sane back. Mika looked at (Y/N)'s body lying on the floor, unconscious. Mika is shaking walking toward (Y/N)'s body. He held onto her and yelled out her name.Yu came closer to (Y/N) and Mika, putting his finger on (Y/N)'s nose, "She is fine, Mika. She is still breathing," Yu said.

"I'm sorry for leaving you, Mika, for making you and her feel the pain of seeking blood," Yu said with sadness in his voice.

"It's not your fault," Mika said, still looking at (Y/N) body.

They then had a verbal fight about drinking blood, about how Mika was resisting all those years for him, and now he wants Mika to become the monster that Mika hated.


I woke up and saw Mika looking at me.

"(Y/N)!" he yelled in happiness and hugged me.

"Mika... Your eyes... red..." I said.

"Yes, just like your eyes now," he smiled.

I blushed. "So my blood was not enough..." I talked to myself.

Then the three of us sat in a circle. Yu asked about how we became a couple. It was embarrassing to tell him. He said if we get tired of being a vampire he will find a way to turn us back to the human back. That sounds impossible. I giggled. We did some small talk about our life.

Mika said Guren is using Yu, and Yu feels fine with it. I had some flashbacks about experiments he has done on me. After a while, Yu walked outside as Mika and I followed him, he now talked about Shinoa Squad. He asked me for my opinion about them. I didn't answer, I only followed what Mika believed in. Mika and Yu are now fighting with each other about whether or not to help the Shinoa Squad. Mika is willing to do anything to stop Yu.

After a while, Mika then accepted only saving those four on Shinoa Squad, and I got no comment about it.

Mika then drove us to Nagoya airport. In the car, Mika informs Yu and (Y/N) that they are part of the Seraph of the End Project. He says it failed once, causing all of the adults in the world to be killed and the collapse of human civilization. Mika says it was the humans' fault, and the Hyakuya Orphanage was just another one of their test sites. Despite that previous failure, Mika says they are now reaching for even greater and more dangerous power. He says the Japanese Imperial Army is redoing that failed experiment.

Mika suggested running away from the war and living elsewhere, but Yu said there is no place for us, everything is just ruins now. I want to run away with Mika, but Yu was also right...

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