Chap 26 - The Truth About Me

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We all headed down to the cellar, where there were a bunch of machines down here, they all look the same and within each machine is Mika and others' friends and family

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We all headed down to the cellar, where there were a bunch of machines down here, they all look the same and within each machine is Mika and others' friends and family. Even Crowley seems to know someone down here. I got none... In this world, I only have Mika.

Suddenly the whole cellar shook, there seemed to be a fight going on on the surface, maybe from the people that Crowley said that Ferid prepared to help us. I smelled a familiar scent, it was Guren and his team.

After a while

Guren walked down to the cellar. We then have a little reunion and continue the topic of what is going on. Who had been behind all of this? Even Guren doesn't know the answer, everyone here, even the Demon Army are just chest pieces of the one behind this. Guren also said that Shinoa was born and fused with a demon name, Shikama Doji. Then they continue to argue and argue. Mika said we cannot trust Guren at all, Yoichi and Kimizuki took Guren's side. And they continue to argue...

"I want to save all humanity, everyone who died," announced Guren.

"Heh~," I said.

Finally, something interested me.

"Should I help you then?" I offered.

"Help me? How?" Guren asked.

"(Y/N)?" Mika worried.

"I will be ok Mika..." I said to calm him. I know the price will not be cheap, I was intending to only revive the Hyakuya kids, but maybe with Guren's help... I may get the happy ending. Maybe this timeline... and this moment was the change I needed.

"That means you can save everybody? Including Akane and the kids?" Yu said cheerfully.

I nodded.

"It's impossible!" Mika said, "(Y/N), there is no way, it's against the rule of this world,"

"That's why, I am the one who can do it," I said.

"I don't belong here..."

Yes, I don't belong here. In this world, there is no place for a person like me... I am glad Mika loves me... but if he is gone... then there is no meaning for me to be here. I cannot let them use him anymore.

Then I started to tell them the story about me. I didn't get too deep into who I am, mostly just my ability and power.

"So here is the plan, just like before we will rescue Krul and Ferid, and collect the sinful key from Seraph," I said.

"Sinful key?" asked Yu.

"Eh- well, it's just a cross-shaped dagger-like object that we can collect from the Seraph," I explained.

"It will provide more power and help the plan be more successful," I continued.

"Even though I called it reviving everyone, but the way it actually works is I will use myself and the Sinful Keys, depending on how many we can retrieve, to erase the First Progenitor's existence completely since the beginning,"

Even though I said I will not look into my memories, I just did to find all the answers I need. This time I will get my happy ending.

"This means all of today's vampires will not exist. This will also make Mika back to human... and I..." I hesitated.

"(Y/N)... what will happen to you?" Mika asked.

"I... I... I will have to pay the price... you know..." I said, looking away from his eyes.

"I won't agree with this plan, you cannot leave me, (Y/N)!" Mika protested.

"I won't leave you! It's just... I'm not sure what the price will be... It could be me going into a coma or forgetting everything. It also could be that I am losing all my power... but my death will not happen... That is something I can guarantee you, Mika!" I said.

"Mika... Is it a promise, okay?" I said and hugged him tightly.

"(Y/N)... I don't know..." Mika said in worry.

"I never break my promise," I said, kissing him. Tears come down from our scarlet eyes.

"Then it settled," Guren said, "we will follow (Y/N) plan."

I can take the 5th progenitor, guarding Krul and Ferid easily, but I want to save my strength for a more important mission. So they train Yu ability to control Seraph.

I asked Mika to talk to me in private.

"Mika..." I said.

"I'm scared..." I cried.

"I tried to act tough back then, you know..."

"I don't want them to feel down..."

"There's something I didn't say back then,... but I want to tell you it, I don't want to lie to you... You're my everything, Mika..."

Mika sat silently and listened to me. I tried to calm myself and continue to talk to him.

"...When the first progenitor, Shikama Doji, gets wiped, that means everything up until now will not exist..." I explained.

"The vampire, the Demon Army, the Hyakuya..." I continued.

"Our relationship, your relationship, and everyone's relationships..." I said, holding Mika's hand very tight to hold in my tears.

"Mika... If fate brought us together, for me to meet you, fall in love with you, then I think it will bring all of us together again..."

"But... I don't want you to forget me," I cried louder as I buried myself in his arms. He patted me gently on my back to calm me down.

"I also don't want to forget you, (Y/N). You told us that you have been through many lives, that means we are in love many times too,..." Mika said.

"That also means, I forgot you many times already... Just see this as another one of them, okay?" he continued. He hugged me tighter.

I know deep inside him, he doesn't want me to see it that way. He said that just to not make me feel bad.

"I can't Mika... I can't! I'll never forget those times that I'm with you..."

"Mika..." I said, "maybe... maybe I can keep your memories of me. Hold my hand... hold my hand when I cast the spell okay?" I suggested.

"I definitely will hold your hand, (Y/N)," Mika said.

"I know you will, it's a promise..." I said.

"Yes, a promise..." Mika said.



I finally decided to end this fanfic early, but don't worry I will try to make the end logical, hehe ^^

I was planning to do this end when Mika turned into a demon, but that part is way too far ahead.

What happening right now is around chap 59 and I think when Mika becomes Demon is around chap 90 ish

I was planning to write this with my memories also, but it turned out that I re-read the manga and I found almost every detail is important.

Also, the story is getting very complicated, I worry with my weak writing skill, I will just mess this fan fic up. Also, I'm lazy, lol.

So please follow me to the end of this fanfic ^^

I will not add any more complicated events, like Shikima Doji possessing Shinoa, etc... Now I will just focus on (Y/N)'s plan and that will lead to the end of this fanfic.

Lastly, thank you for making it this far with me!!!

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