Funk Beat!Kaito X Reader

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Dr dead beat
Anyway, quick Kaito drabble bcz I am mentally ill for him and he's all I care about in this whole entire world. OMG PANE DHIRIA CAME ON MY PLAYLIST WOOP 💃

Sat on a ratty sofa backstage of a Cryptonloid concert, you patiently waited for your sweet boyfriend to finish preparing for his first song of the night. Scrolling mindlessly through your phone, you didn't notice the door to his green room slam open and the tall man himself strut dramatically towards you.

"Darling!~ The Great Genyas, Funk Beat himself, has graced you with his presence! Your attention is required!" He bowed a perfect 90° and gazed into your eyes with a cocky smirk. It was rather endearing, how seriously he would take his roles, even going as far as abandoning his usual gentle nature in exchange for something a little more... out there.

"Aw Kaito, you're so cute!" Smiling sweetly, you cup the now green haired man's cheeks and squish them, laughing as he glared at you.

"Noooo, I'm Dr. Funk Beat! The greatest Doctor around! I am the Dai! Ten! Sai! And I ask that you treat me as such, sweetheart♡."  He pouted and wrapped his fingers around your wrists, pulling your hands from his reddend cheeks and placing a soft kiss on the back of each. Now it was your turn to blush. Quickly pulling your hands away, you covered you face out of embarrassment. Kaito chuckled at your cute display before gracefully seating himself very close beside you, crossing one long leg over the other elegantly and wrapping his arm around your shouders to pull you into him.

"I've got about...." He checked the non existent watch on the wrist he had wrapped around you, leaning closer to you. "...Ten minutes before I am needed to perform for my loyal fans, ah how lovely they are♡. How about we use this time wisley and I give you, my cute little angel, a small sample of true happiness, Hm?" He took your chin between the fingers of his free hand and pulled you impossibly closer, softly grazing his lips against your own.

You made a quiet noise and closed your eyes, leaning into his gentle kiss. Your lips moved togther in perfect sync as he shifted you both to lay down on the old couch. Him hovering above you, hands gripping your waist and tracing small shapes onto the fabric of your shirt. You snaked your arms around the back of his neck and pulled him in deeper, the kiss growing heated. Kaito swiped his tongue against your bottom lip, asking for entrance which you immediately gave into, desperate to taste more of him. However, he suddenly pulled away and stood up, brushing himself off. You looked up at him, panting slightly, confusion evident on your bright face. He simply smirked down at you and sent you a sly wink.

"So! How did you like your free trial at true happiness, hm? Be a good girl whilst I'm on stage and I might just treat you to the full experience, love♡"

"B-but-!" He cut off any protest you were about to make by placing a finger on your bruised lips.

"Ah ah! No buts, doll! Be patient, okay?" He began to walk away towards the stage before turning around to ask one last thing,

"Are you happy now?☆"

"Y-yes, my doctor!"

Requests who? Sorry, this is something I cooked up in like an hour because I couldn't stop thinking about it, AHHH FUNK BEAT MY BELOVED 😻😻😻 I love Kaito so much, he's my little scrumple. A little crumpet <3
Thinking about making a part 2 maybe in like 50 years. Smut obv. I've just given up on reqs at this point hahdlhljaljdljs. Anyway, KAMAWANAIDE NAIDE

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