Pjsk charas with an S/O who like kissing them

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Yoyoyo what is up, Fushuwu here with a new update after many months, and it isn't Kaito for once!!! OH MY GOD NOOO WAAYYYYY NO KAITO??? WHO IS THIS IMPOSTER??? Anyway yeah uwu, I do have a handful of Kaito fics in the works but I'm slow and lazy so I can't promise anything. Anyway yeah enjoy.

Only doing characters I have a strong liking to ahhh sorry if your fave isn't here.

I was gonna include Akito, Tsukasa and Mafuyu but I got lazy so they aren't here :/ Enjoy anyway.


Shiho: TSUNDERE TSUNDERE TSUNDERE!!! She will complain and push you away if you ever try to kiss her in front of anyone else. Even when you're alone she gets all flustered and says stuff like "No way, that's embarrassing" when you ask her to kiss you. If you get all pouty and sad because of it, she'll get even more embarrassed for upsetting you and finally give in. "Just like, 1 or 2 though!" she'll say and full start to eat your face 5 seconds later. She really really loves you deep down, but she's just so embarrassed about being mushy and lovey when she has her whole badass persona to uphold.

Kohane:Ohhh she's sooo shy it's adorable. Just one little kiss on the cheek is enough to make her brain melt and face explode, so imagine how she gets when you absolutely plaster her face with kisses. She just fucking dies on the spot. The little hamster is left a stuttering, stumbling, love stuck simp. She wishes she had the confidence to kiss you as much as you kiss her. But sadly, everytime she works up the courage to even attempt to give you a small peck, the look in your eyes makes her freeze up and blush. Thankfully, you're smart enough to know what she wants and will cup her cheeks and give her the kisses she wants. However, she comes up with a plan to return your affection in a way she knows how to, and hopefully make as flustered as you make her. So one night the two of you are at her house, she suddenly stands up and puts on some music and begins to sing for you. And her plan worked successfully! By the end of her song, you're left red faced and teary, immediately pulling her for a hug and kissing her all over her little hamster face and crying about how much you love her.

An:She makes it a challenge, who can be clingy-er, who can give the most kisses before getting tired of it, who can last the longest in lip lock. Stuff like that. And definitely in public too. She'll grab you eat your face right in front of Akito because she knows just how much he hates people who engage in such passionate PDA. And you'll eat her face right back. Both of you will never ever pass up the opportunity to kiss and show each other love and affection. She defiantly tells people about how affectionate you can be and how much she loves it. It often makes some people a little uncomfy but she couldn't care less. She needs everyone to know how much of an amazing partner you are.

Toya:Boy is so touch starved and innocent, he doesn't understand relationships at all. So he thought it was normal how much you kissed him. You would kiss him when you saw each other for the first time that day, after saying hello, after arriving at school, when you left to go to your respective lockers, when you finished with your lockers, you would kiss him for even longer after he walked you to your classroom. You would kiss when he came to pick you up from class, before eating lunch, after lunch, going to your next classes, before walking home together. When you would arrive at your house, you would pull him to your room and kiss him for hours until he had to leave for his own home. And don't even get started on days you weren't at school. It wasn't until Akito asked how he was able to cope with someone as clingy and affectionate as you did he start to question your behavior. When he asked you about it, all you said was "Because I love you" and he never questioned your behaviour again. Now every kiss leaves him feeling full of love and happiness and with time, he became just as clingy and affectionate. He came to understand showering your partner with kisses was a way to say I love you without words.

Rui:Ah the smug bastard. He knows how much you love to kiss him and takes full advantage of it. He'll ask you to join in on his crazy experiments and be his little lab rat in exchange for kisses. Of course he's not gonna be an asshole about it and not kiss you at all if you say no. But it is a wonderful opportunity to sneak some extra kisses in. In his eyes it's a win-win situation as he has someone to help him with his weird shit and can receive affection from his lovely partner. Nene and Tsukasa call him out for his behaviour, but he just tells them that if you're okay with it, he doesn't see the harm in it. Until he landed you both in detention oneday after school with something he had you both do. He spent that detention making it up to you with all the kisses he could possibly give you for the full hour. Lucky that the teacher had trusted you both enough to be left alone for the hour, not bothering to question how disheveled you both were when they came back to dismiss you.

Kanade:She is the world's biggest hermit and thus has no romantic experience. When you first got together, she was very recluse and acted as though nothing had changed between the two of you. So when you would constantly come and give her kisses, she was a little uncomfortable, even though the two of you are an item. She tells you about how she feels and asks if the two of you could slow down a little a bit. Don't get me wrong, she loves you and the affection, but she's very new to relationships and doesn't know how to handle herself that well. It took her a while to warm up to giving/receiving kisses and the amount of affection you wanted to give her, but eventually she gets used to it and returns all the love you have for her.Mizuki:Omg they absolutely adore all the attention you have for them right off the bat and return it all tenfold. The two of you are constantly all over each other, kissing, cuddling, holding hands, saying mushy lovey dovey cringe shit. You guys are the full package. However, the do have moments where they feel insecure and question your love for them. Of course, you know about their situation, and that sometimes makes them worry. What if you decide you don't like them anymore? What if it's all just a joke, and you're only with them to turn on them and laugh?? What if you're out there talking shit about them behind their back like everyone else??? What if- When they get like this, all you have to do is remind them of how much you love them. Absolutely shower them kisses and cuddles and tell them how much you love them, no matter what. You fell in love with them for who are they are as a person and not anything more or less.

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