Threesome with android V1 and V3

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I wanna fuck them both AughGHGH anyway enjoy my longest piece yet. Promise the next one will not be Kaito hdjehdjee ( the one after will be though WAHAHAHAAA)


"Thank you for this, Y/n. Really, it means a lot that you would do this for me on such short notice."

"Oh, no! It's quite alright, no need to thank me."

"Well in that case, I must be off. Thank you again."

You closed the door behind your friend as they rushed from your home and sighed. They had called you the night before, explaining that they had very sudden business abroad and would need someone to look after their android for them. Being the kind person you are, you immediately offered to let their android stay with you for the week. The only problem was, you already had your own android and you were worried about how they would get along with each other. Especially since they were the same.

You had been saving up to buy the Kaito V1 model ever since he was announced, however, by the time you had gotten all the money together, his V3 model had been released and you had bought him instead. Your friend on the other had had the original V1 model and you were dying to get your hands on him. Which is why you said yes to letting him stay with you without any thought. Now here he was, awkwardly stood in your hallway with a small overnight bag. Your own Kaito stood behind you, peering at his other self from over your shoulder.

"Uhm,,, Thank you for letting me stay with you!" The other Kaito exclaimed, bowing a full 90 degrees. He fidgeted a little in his place, obviously nervous to somewhere other than by his masters side. Your own Kaito continued to stare at him, not knowing what to do or say about this predicament. You approached the new Kaito and cupped his cheeks, gazing into his glowing eyes. They didn't seem as bright as your Kaito's. Then you gently pulled his jaw, opening his mouth and peering inside. His tongue wasn't blue like your Kaito's was. Then you pulled his whole head down to run your hands through his hair. I was duller than your Kaito's. Finally, you pressed your ears to his chest. His electronical buzzing and whiring was louder than your Kaito's. The two looked so alike at first glance, however, they were still very different. You continued to gaze curiously at the older android, failing to notice as your own called out for you.

"-ter... Master... Master!"

"Ah! Sorry, it's just strange having two of you here. You look so similar..." You trailed off. You fully snapped out of your trance when the older Kaito began to fidget once more, looking rather uncomfortable with your prodding. "Kaito?" You called up, gaining the attention of both androids. "Ah, right, you share a name haha. uhm... I guess I'll just call you V1 and V3 for the week." Motioning for V3 to step closer, you asked him to show V1 to the spare room and help him get settled in. He pouted a little bit, still not fully pleased with having to share his space and master with another version of himself, but did as you asked no the less. "I'll show you around, follow me." He said, swiftly walking through the house, barely giving V1 the chance to catch up.

"This is the living room," He explained, stopping in the doorway to let V1 look inside. "Over there is the T.V. Master usually puts anime on but she'll sometimes watch cheesy dramas when she's alone. Those are the sofas. You need to be careful with them, master said they cost an arm and a leg to get even though she still has all her limbs. Oh and that chair over there is special for me so leave it alone, okay?" V1 nodded silently and let V3 lead him to another room.

"This is the kitchen. This is our fridge freezer. It's usually empty because Master is too lazy to get groceries, but we always have ice-cream in." V1 perked up a little bit at the sound of ice cream. "You have to ask me if you want any, okay? Because Master bought it for me." V1 deflated once more but nodded his agreement anyway, he was just a guest after all. "I guess that's all that's really important in here since I'm not allowed to touch anything else."

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