WxS Kaito Punishment

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Omfg!!! I finally finished this piece after months!!! I love this one, I want him to punish me soooo bad like yas, I have been a bad girl now fuck me zaddyyyyy

Except this fic doesn't go like that-



"Emu-chan~☆!" You sing out for the pink haired girl, a sly smirk hidden under your cheerful smile. "I have something to give you!" Emu's head flies up and she bounds towards you.

"Yay! What is, (Yn)-chan? Oh, oh! Is it a super awesome, BAM BAM FWOOOOSH POW thingy!!! Or, or maybe a Swirly Wirly WHOOSHY WOO machine that goes BEEP BEEP BOOP and turns into a big huge robot!!!" She grinned at you with stars sparkling in her eyes, her body trembling as she tried to hold in her overwhelming excitement. You sweatdropped, not understanding a single thing she said.

"Uhm... no... not exactly... BUT! It is.... drumroll please dun dun DUUN☆! A super, amazing, awesome, magic wakey-wakey energizing juice!!!" You held said 'juice' up high to show it off. Emu gasped and made grabby hands for the weird shit you'd made, eager to try it. You hand her the cup of liquid and watch as she chugs it down, that sly smirk coming into view.

"Ah! That tasted a little weird, but I feel good!" The girl said.

"Oh~ You feel good? How so, Emu-chan?"

She went quiet, the cup falling from her hands and spilling any remaining liquid on the floor. She lowered her head, a shadow covering her face. You watched, intrigued to see what she would do. After a few moments of silence, Emu suddenly sprung back to life with a thousand times more energy than usual. With a loud series of 'Wonderhoy!'s, she began to run around like an over excited child, screaming with joy. She crashed into anything and everything she came by, causing chaos. It wasn't long before your friends of the Sekai came over to see what was happening. Needless to say, they weren't shocked to find it was Emu, however they were concerned about her increase in hyperactivity. Something no one thought possible.

Chuckling to yourself, you turned your back on the scene. Your work here was done. Before you could even make it 3 steps away, something grabbed onto the back of your collar and stopped you in your tracks.

"Ack! Hey, what are you do-" You cut your sentence short upon turning to see who had grabbed you, slight fear settling in you stomach when you saw your troupe leader, his features graced with a warm, close eyed smile. However, it was very obvious his smile was fake and he was holding back anger.

"Kaito-san... hey. What's up?" You tried your best to play it cool.

"That's exactly what I was wondering. Do you have any idea as to why Emu-chan is in such a state?" He questioned in his usual gentle voice. However, there was a venomous tone buried beneath his softness. You struggled to escape his grasp which lead to him only pulling you closer, gripping one of your wrists.

"Hey, Let go! I have no idea what's gotten into her! It's like she's drank some sort of super caffeinated, high sugar coffee, Monster, Redbull concoction and is absolutely wired... or something... like that..." You trailed off towards the end and stopped struggling. Looking up at Kaito's hard smile, you knew you'd just given yourself away.

"I see. So that's what happened. I wonder just how she got a hold of something like that."

"I-I promise, I don't know!" Your desperate struggle to escape began once more.

"There's no point in lying, (Y/n). Looks like you're due a punishment." He shook his head in disappointment, and began to pull you away from the chaos. You felt your heart skip a beat at the word 'punishment'. Instead of fear, a feeling of excitement welled within you. Immediately, all your worries melted away.

"Punishment! From Kaito-san! Ah a dream come true!!! ♡♡♡" You squealed, wrapping yourself around his arm as he dragged you behind him.

"Yes, a punishment indeed. The worst punishment I can give, all for you."

It wasn't just your heart that reacted to his words this time as the area between your thighs began to warm, excited for what was surely to come. The two of you arrived at the main stage, entering the tent to find it dark and empty. The tall blue man hummed in approval.

"Perfect. Your punishment begins now, (Y/n)."

"Yessir!♡" You cried, ready to drop to your knees at a moments notice.

"Clean the entire stage from top to bottom. I don't want a single inch left dirty. You have all day, I'll come and check on you at sunset. Have fun☆" He said simply, turning his back with a wave and leaving the tent.


"What the fuuuck!!!"


Hours had passed. Once getting over the disappointment that Kaito's punishment was not what you were expecting, you got to work on cleaning. You knew it would be pointless to argue with him over it and just did as you were told. By the time the sun had set, the stage was spotless, just like he'd asked. You felt proud of your accomplishment when you bent down to be face to face with the floor and saw your own reflection staring back at you.

"You actually listened. I'm impressed."

You jumped at the sound of his voice, noticing how your reflection wasn't the only one you could now see. Kaito stood towering over you as you knelt on all fours on the floor. He dropped down to his own knees, hovering his chest above your back and caged his arms around you, leaving you no way of escape. His breath was warm against your ear as he closed in, whispering to you in a low, husky voice.

"I knew you could be good girl for me," You felt a shiver run down your spine at his words. "How about a reward? I think you deserve it <3"

Was this it? Was he finally going to what you thought he was hours ago? You really hoped so, if not, you felt like you would cry. You were desperate. Hours of mindlessly cleaning had allowed your thoughts to wander to what could've been and had left you in quite a state.

"P-Please Kaito!" You whimpered, sticking your ass out further to bump against his hips. He chuckled at your obvious need for him, placing his hands against your hips, holding you firmly. He gently tugged at your body, having you turn to lay on your back for him. His hands run up and down your waist, trailing down to your thighs as he parts them. His fingers dance along your flesh, grazing your inner thighs teasingly. Ah, so close to where you need him most! You gasp and buck your hips, chasing his hands as they touch you everywhere but the place you oh so needed it. He smiled at you warmly as he finally let his fingers brush against your panties, feeling how soaked they already where.

"My, my, what a naughty girl you are... already so wet. You were thinking about this, weren't you?"

Any sort of reply from you was cut off as he pushed your underwear to the side, letting him touch your bare skin. He slid his fingers up and down your slit, collecting your slick before pushing one in. You gasped at the sudden, yet pleasant intrusion, seeking more. His slender fingers were soooo much longer than your own, and he reached places deeper inside than you ever could. Within a few moments, he had slipped another in, causing you to whine as they massaged your soft insides. Kaito chuckled and curled them, pressing against that one spot so fucking good. He had you trembling and crying and whining for release on just his fingers alone in no time, he could just imagine what you'd be like when he finally gave you what you really wanted. He chuckled once more at the thought, his face turning slightly pink, and his pants tightening.

He pulled his fingers out of you, and before you could complain, he placed them in his mouth, causing you to gasp at the lewd sight. He closed his eyes and moaned slightly as the taste of your slick coated his tongue, which swirled around his fingers, not letting a single drop go to waste. He eventually pulled them out with a pop, his eyes clouded with lust as they bore into your own.

"You taste divine, Darling. You won't mind if I go in for more than just a sample?" He whispered, and before you could even register what he said, your panties were torn from your body, and his face was buried between your thighs. He immediately dove in, lapping up all your dripping hole had to offer before swirling his tongue against your clit, sucking lightly. You squealed and your hands shot down to grip at his soft blue locks tightly, your thighs squeezing shut around his head. He tuted in disappointment, before pushing your thighs apart harshly.

"Don't hide from me, Love. This is your reward for being a good girl, remember? Now stay nice and still..." He smiled against your pussy, before going back in, his tongue pushing into you. You quivered beneath him, tugging harder at his locks as he kept you legs pinned to the sides. The way his tongue would lap and suck at your clit so good, rubbing little figures of eight against the sensitive bud had you going insane. You could feel your orgasm building, and so could he, with the way you began to mewl even louder and thrust your hips up to meet his eager tongue. Kaito moved one of his hands down to your entrance, pushing two fingers into you and immediately curling them into that one spot that had you seeing stars. It seemed that's all it took, as you screamed out a mantra of his name, your pussy clenching and creaming all over his fingers and face. As you came down from your high, Kaito continued to lap up your release, not letting a single drop go to waste even if it meant overstimulating you a little bit.

"Ah-Ah Too much...." You whimpered, attempting to pull his face away. He kept himself glued to your spent pussy for a moment longer, before pulling away and licking his lips, staring down at your heaving body. The lust he held in his eyes earlier hadn't dissipated one bit, instead growing larger. You nervously trailed you eyes down his body, to in between his legs, almost gasping a the size of his tent. He chuckled and leaned in close to you, caressing your face gently.

"Won't you let me reward you some more, Darling?" He whispered into your ear, his hot breath fanning against your sensitive skin. You felt him grind his bulge against your bare folds, the rough texture of his pants making you whimper and buck into him. You shyly nod your head, giving him permission to do whatever he pleases with you.

"Words, Sweetie. I'm gonna need you to tell me that you want it." Kaito runs his hands through your hair, dampened with sweat and tangled from hours of cleaning. His long fingers caressing your scalp felt so good, you forgot he was even talking to you. Until a sharp pain blossomed on your head from where he tugged at your strands, reminding you he asked a question.

"Yes! Yes you can... do whatever you want with me, Kaito!" He chuckled at you, finding how you submit to him so easily adorable.

"Such a good girl, I have." He mumbled, unzipping his pants and pulling his length from it's confines. You moaned at the sight of it, tip flushed red and dripping with pre. He gave himself a few strokes before tapping the head lightly against your clit.

"Think you're ready for it, doll," He asked, concern lacing his voice for a moment. "We can take some more time to prep if you want to." You smiled at his sweet ask. Ever the kind and thoughtful man, even mid sex. You shook your head and muttered a little 'No, M' ready.' He nodded back and lined himself with your entrance, suddenly looking a little nervous.

"Ah, I've never actually done this before, Y/n-Chan," He rubbed the back of his neck shyly, his confident and dominating aura from before suddenly dissipating. "But I'll try my best to please you." And with that, he finally pushed himself into you, slowly as to not hurt you to bad. The both of you gasped and clung to each other tightly as he continued to fill you. After a moment, he stopped and asked if you were feeling alright. You nodded, adjusting to his size and feeling the slight burn fade away.

"Y-you can move now, Kaito-san..." You moaned, wanting him to fuck you so badly. He laughed a little and smiled down at you sheepishly.

"In a moment... it's only half way in." You could only stare at him in disbelief. Only half way?? But you felt so full already! There was no way he could be able to fit anymore in! But he somehow did, continuing to slowly inch his full length into you, until you felt his his hips press flush against your own. You let out a small whine at the fullness he provided you, squeezing around him.

"Ah, It's all in, love... sh-shit.. don't squeeze like that..." He groaned, leaning his head against yours and screwing his eyes shut in pleasure. Oh how he wanted to just fold you in half and pound you into the ground so fucking hard, fill you up with so much of his cum till it was all leaking out of you, giving him reason to fuck more into you... But he held on, waiting for you to give him the signal to start moving. The second you tapped at his shoulder, he slowly pulled out till just the tip remained, and slid back in. The both of you moaned out at the sensation, Kaito picking up a steady pace of in and out as you clenched so tightly around him.Hearing how you moaned and whimpered so sweetly for him had him finding it so difficult to not just let loose and fuck you so hard.

"Feel so good, sweetheart- ha..." He sighed, leaning down to cage your body against his, his arms resting on either side of your head as buried his face into the crook of your neck. You wrapped your arms around his neck to try and pull him in closer, your legs following suit to pull him in deeper. He began to nip and suck at your neck lightly, biting at your soft skin and leaving cute little purple marks.

"Kaito! Ah- It's so g-good- fuck! Please ahh, more please, please harder!" You cried out, pulling at his hair and bucking your hips into his. You begged for him so sweetly, he couldn't possibly deny you, and so his hips picked up their pace, slamming into you so hard, you would surely have bruises on your ass come tomorrow morning. The way he drilled his cock into you sooo good, hitting that one spot over and over again, fucking against your cervix so tightly, it all had your tummy bubbling with impending release so quick. You were so close-

Till he suddenly pulled out, his eyes closed tight as he gripped the base of dick. He panted lightly for a few moments as you whined and whimpered beneath him, feeling your orgasm begin to fade away. What a tease!

"You're so fucking tight I- hah- I don't wanna cum just yet..." He groaned, shuffling backwards till his back hit the wall. He beckoned you towards him. "Come here, doll, why don't you ride me for a bit?" Although he phrased it like a question, with how dominating his tone was, you knew it was an order as you quickly scrambled towards him. Seating yourself on his lap, you placed your hands on his chest and hovered your dripping pussy over his aching cock. As you lowered yourself back down onto him, his hands shot out to grip at you waist tightly, watching how your eyes rolled to the back of your head in pleasure. When you sat down on him fully, you took a moment to get used to the new position and angle in which his cock pressed against your sweet spot. You threw your head back when you started to grind your hips against him, the tip of his dick nudging against you over and over making you see stars. Eventually, Kaito's grip on you tightened as he began to lift you up and down on him.

"C'mon, I thought I told you to ride me." One hand slithered up your back, tangling in your hair and pushing your head down to look him in the eyes. His stare was so intense and you felt compelled to do as he told you, lifting you hips up slowly, and slamming back down. You let out a choked moan and your legs immediately felt like jelly, yet you continued to bounce on him, feeling how his cock would twitch and throb against your tight walls. His hand left your hair and instead cupped your ass, giving it a harsh slap before assisting you in keeping up your pace.

"Haaa, that's it darlin'- fuuuck- so good for me, aren't you." Leaning into your flushed, fucked out face, he pressed his lips against yours, forcefully pushing his tongue into your mouth. You moaned into his sudden, rough kiss, letting his tongue press against your own. He tasted so good, of candy and faintly of yourself. You already felt addicted to his kiss and leant in closer, hoping to deepen it. His arms tightened around your waist as he kissed with such passion it had you clenching harder around his cock as you rode him. You could feel your orgasm from earlier resurfacing, stronger than before.

"K-Kaito- Ah Ahhh- M' so close- hng!" You gasped, pulling your now swollen lips from his, a small string of saliva connecting you. He could feel how your walls would flutter and tighten around him so deliciously, bringing him close to the edge as well. His hands gripped your ass hard, lifting you up a little so he could piston his hips up into you, chasing his high. Your body went limp at his rough handling, your paradise washing over you with a silent scream of Kaito's name.

"Oh fuck, baby- I-I'm gonna cum- Hahhh-" The feeling of you creaming over his cock so hard was too much for him to handle. "Wh-Where do you wan' it?"

"I-Inside! Please, inside, Kaito! Fill me up with your cum, I need it so bad!" Without missing a beat, you begged for him to fill your spent pussy, and he did. Kaito came with soft groan of your name, hips stuttering as he tried to ride out his orgasm as long as he could. Warmth spread throughout your lower tummy as he shot his load deep inside you, the white liquid already leaking down your thighs and staining his work pants.

You both sat there, panting and attempting to recollect yourselves. Kaito slowly lifted you off of his softening cock, wincing at the overstimulation. He pulled a hankie out of his pocket and gently cleaned you up the best he could, tucking himself back into his pants. Picking up your ripped underwear, he sighed, glad your wore a long-ish dress.

"Come on, sweetheart. Let's go get cleaned up back at my tent, you need new panties and I need some clean pants. And I'm sure you could use some cuddles too."


Woah, It's done :D This has been in the works since fuckin uhhhh November? 2022 lmao that's like 8 months sheee, I coulda had a baby in that time. This is that baby. Hngg I want Daddy WxS Kaito so bad it's unreal....

Hope this was enjoyable, it is my favourite piece so far uwu. I'm thinking about doing kinktober... So I wanna start preparing for that soon, like I need a list of what I want for each day, then I'd need to write it all in advance... So updates are gonna slow tf down a lot (again uwu) whilst I do that. I'm gonna try squeeze out a L/N Kaito piece asap, but I've never written Dom Reader before ABSHASHAGSH so that might take awhileeee. Then shit will get slow as I prep for Kinktoberrrr. Thinking about making it a multi fandom thing, so I'll post it in my misc book i've yet to publish. Yay! Misc book shall be released in October! Any Kaito piece I do for kinktober or just pjsk in general shall be uploaded in both books so the misc one stay chronological and this book gets all the pjsk vocaloid shit.

I'm excited for Kinktober and I hope future me puts the effort in :D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25 ⏰

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