Silly Kaito HC's

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I actually wrote most of these before N25 Kaito was released (all but the last 2) so they were my predictions for what he was gonna be like LMAOOOOO I think I hit the nail on the head with them tbf :D Just silly random shit, like a lost property box.


Ranking the Kaito's as Omega or Alpha:

V1- Absolute beta male

V3- Alpha he radiates so much uahshjajkakka big man energy

WxS- Alpha, mf is literally the father of the entire Sekai, get this man a whiskey and a cigarette pls

VBS- Beta leaning Alpha, he's just very unpredictable

L/N- Omega Have you seen this mf he cries when people look at him he can't even exist
MMJ- Beta bruh is the manager of MMJ that's so mid you can't possibly be an alpha male if you're the manager of a shitty idol group It's just unfathomable.

We don't have N25 Kaito yet but I'm saying it now, he's gonna be an alpha male big bad wolf leader of the pack awOOOOOO there are two wolves inside me wOOF BARK GRRR AWOOOO cringe ahh

Mono- Giga Beta. He's so uhhhh Idk one second he's all Omega and baby but then he can just switch to big man Alpha boss man, he literally has two wolves. So I'm just gonna put him as middle ground be he switches up.


What kinda primary schooler they were:

N25 Kaito the year 5 emo who lead the wolf roleplay at playtime and he would get angry when someone fail RP'd and would ban them from the clan. Also threw dirt at kids he hated (everyone) and would spend a lot of time in isolation or the head teachers office. Bro had a red report card.

WxS the smartest in class, popular good boy everyone loved him, big bro of the class. Someone asked to see his hwk and he'd go, "I'll help you figure it out" he'd get asked out like 2682992 times a week

VBS the kid who would eat the leaves off the bushes and sell random shit at playtime like loom bands and a half eaten pack of haribos and would put glue on his hands and wait for it to dry before peeling it off he would always be really fucking muddy and have rips in his uniform by hometime

L/N Kaito is the kid who would cry everyday when his parents dropped him off and would have an emotional attachment to the teachers and specific toys to deal with the 'abandonment' he would cling to the teachers legs and stand with them at playtime instead of playing, he pissed himself at least once a week lmao he would start crying if he was ever picked to answer a question in class and he made friends with the worms on the playground after it rained

MMJ Kaito is an NPC.
He's like WxS except more excitable, not calm and collected like WxS. Instead of helping someone with their homework, he would just watch them do it and cheer them on, he wanted to join the cheer club and be a cheerleader. He's very chatty and friends with everyone. He's everyone's childhood friends literally everyone knows him.

Mono Kaito just a silly lad. He's like the weird kid who sits in the back of class all quiet and just doodles, no one talks to him and he doesn't talk to anyone. But if someone approaches him, he's so loud and chatty and shows off his little doodles like "THESE ARE THE TATTOOS IM GONNA GET" and won't shut up. He brings sweets in for the class when it's his birthday.



•His eyes glow in the dark, like little nightlights he can turn on and off.

•He can also light up strands of his hair, and if you hold a light to his head and then make it dark, his hair will glow. It glows under black light too. He is a glowy boy.

•One more glowy thing, if you look at his chest rlly closey, you can see his "heart" glowing blue inside him, its rlly cute. He can make it really bright too, like another night light. He just glows all the time.

•His tongue is blue!

•He also has blue blood, not that he even needs blood but he still has it.

•Bro is a robot so he doesn't go to the bathroom, so after eating, his has to open his stomach up to get rid of anything he ate.

•He cries when he has to clean out the melted ice cream he ate.

•He spends all day sat in his little arm chair, singing all his masters favourite songs, waiting for them to come home so he can sing for them.

•Can't sleep/charge on his own, he has to be in Master's room with them <33

•He has his own bed and charging area in Masters room, but will still sneak his way into their bed during the night and when he gets caught(bc he is not a sneaky man) he's like "I'm cold!!!" 😐😐

•He is lying, he is *not* cold. Infact, he is very warm. He's like a radiator and is very comfy to cuddle with in winter.

•He's just very clingy, always breathing down Master's neck when their home. They're trying to make dinner, or do some cleaning and he's just there. Stood directly behind them at the stove, holding their sleeve and trailing behind them as they hoover.

•Really tall, like really *really* tall. Very very tall man really big and tall.

•Really fucking dumb too. You'd think bc he's a robot, he would have internal access to the internet like Siri or Alexa or smth and know the answer to all your questions. But he doesn't. Example: "Kaito, how do I spell 'Cantaloupe'" "uhh uhh 'C a n t a l o p'  :))" "What's the capital of England?" "Um.. Britain."
He's just small brained. No thoughts head empty.

•He's always making noise, if he's not singing, humming, talking Master's ear off or just making random noises, then you can hear his electronic insides whiring and running. He has a motor in his chest that sounds like a heartbeat when you listen close enough.
He is just constantly making noise, you can always tell exactly where he is in the house because of it.

•His whiring and bodily noises are quite therapeutic and calming, he'll let Master lay their head on his chest to listen to his "heart beat" and little noises to go to sleep.

•His favourite way to make Master fall asleep though, is by singing. He loves singing, ofc since it's his whole reason for existing. But he's very self conscious about it too. Since he was originally deemed a failure by Crypton and was only continued due to a fluke rise in his popularity, he's very very nervous and worried that people won't like his singing. MASTER MUST REMIND HIM THAT HIS VOICE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING ON THIS EARTH AND THAT THEY LOVE HIS SINGING AND WANT TO HEAR HIM SING FORVER. He will cry out of happy <333 😭😭🥰🥰💙💙

•He is just the sweetest little robot ever <333


Ranking the Kaito's from least to most Daddy.

Okay in 5th we have L/N! He is the least daddy for very obvious reasons. He is too soft and baby to be a daddy.

4th place is MMJ. He could be daddy, but I feel like he would be too much of a simp to like, be a big dominant man. He would be too soft and just a massive pushover.

3rd is VBS. I feel like he could be rather daddy at times. Like, he prolly finds being called daddy and being dominant hot but like, only in bed. He wouldn't be a day time daddy, just a night time one when he feels like it.

2nd is N25! He can be soooooo fucking daddy omfgggg big massive dominant man, but he's like a meanie. So like, yeah he is big daddy energy, but he's too mean. He wouldn't be a good daddy. Like at all. Only in bed. Still very very dominant always though.

1st place is WxS!!!! OOKMAAHHAAHHSJS HE IS DADDY HE IS SO SO SO DADDY OMG I KJAKJAKJKA NEED HIM. He would be the most perfect daddy, like a even balance of soft, loving dominance and hard, like in control dominance. He would always be such a sweet and caring daddy, but will be harsh when he needs to be yk. He will be so soft, yet still always radiate tis dominant energy of "I'm still in control" Yk. ahhh so perfect,.... I want him so bad....

I have a raging daddy kink if you couldn't tell.


POV you bark/meow at him <3 Sorry I'm- I'm a little kitty girl I *need* to meow at this man and have him pet me I *NEED* HIM TO PET ME AND CALL ME HIS LITTLE KITTY SO BADADADDDDDA FFSFFDFWDFDAFDFADF

I also have a pet play kink, if you couldn't tell.

Android Kaito:

He doesn't understand. Might think you've got like rabies or something and start crying like,

"No! Master, why are you barking like that? Are you sick? Did you get rabies?? Do I need to call the doctor??? What's wrong with you?!"

Hugs you and cries thinking you're gonna die of rabies till you start laughing and tell him you were just barking at him because he's an absolute fittie. Still doesn't get it and insists he inspect you for dog bites and other symptoms of rabies.

WxS Kaito:

He just laughs and pats your head.

"Aw, such a cute little kitty."

Keep meowing for him and he'll drop everything to pet and coddle you, he just jskajkshf he loves it so much. His cute little kitty begging for his attention in a way they *know* will get it. He cannot resist :3

VBS Kaito:

Barks right fuckin back. You can just walk up to him and start barking at him so ferally and he'll immediately do the same. Meiko will just sigh and tell you to keep it down as you both sit in the cafe giving it


It's a competition, whoever can bark the longest gets crowned the biggest simp and the loser has to do one free favour for the big simp.

L/N Kaito:

little guy is so confused and kinda worried for you.

"Uhm, are you okay...? W-why are you barking?"

Just keep barking at him. He'll eventually get so embarrassed when Miku and the others come and see what the commotion is and start laughing. He'll try and run away from you, big blush on his face.

MMJ Kaito:

Very flattered lmao. You started barking and meowing at him after watching him practice for a performance, stood bellow the stage with light sticks and banners with his name on. He just kinda chuckles and says you don't need to react like that for him, but thanks you anyway. Big blushy boy, loves knowing he can make you act like that lmaooooooooo.

25Ji Kaito:

Hate crimes you /J LMAOOOO NAH he just tells you to fuck off and stop being a weirdo. Just follow him around and don't stop, eventually he'll bark back once to hopefully shut you up LMAOO It doesn't work because you'll just start barking louder till he snaps. If you're gonna act like a dog, then he'll treat you like a dog and punish you.

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