Luke : 2 months later

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Luke : 2 months later

"Sound Check in five boys" Unknown walked across the stage, as Aiden ran around with at least 5 foot of tangled electric wires, Braden trailing behind him.

"Luke! Luke!" Harrison called brushing his fringe from his eyes, he was sitting on the stage acoustic guitar in hand, and I walked over to him.


"Is everything alright with Eleanor us guys can't help but notice she seems a little off lately? Not herself, I mean she's always quiet for sure but this is like something is bugging her big time" Harrison muttered looking at Ellie.

I glanced over to where Eleanor was sitting in one of the many stadium plastic chairs, biting one of her fingernails and looking at something on her laptop, her turquoise eyes held dark rings underneath. She flicked impatiently at her fringe, her dark to caramel coloured hair pulled back in a low bun; she was wearing an old grey shirt and a pair of black ripped jeans.

"Your right she hasn't been herself lately, I think she's exhausted herself beyond her limits and you guys aren't the only ones who have noticed we all have."

"Check for graphics!" One of the backstage crew called. Eleanor shook her head and stood up heading towards the backstage to upload whatever images, lyrics, special effects where needed for Unknown's performance tonight.

"I'll have a chat to her, see if she's going okay before this evening performance" Harrison stated and I nodded.

Unknown new album was top of the charts over-running Shattering Horizon new single, the tour that Harrison, Logan, Cohen and Morris were performing was receiving great reviews from fans, the album had hit number one in Australia. We should have been celebrating and yet here I was not over the moon ecstatic but worried about my best friend.


"Luke?" Eleanor's quiet voice pulled me out of a deep sleep

I rolled over in my bed and groaned. "Luke are you awake?"

"I' am now" I muttered groggily and sat up seeing her dark silhouette near the side of my bed.

"Geez I'm sorry. I just need to talk to you urgently"

I rubbed my eyes and hoped out of my bed, fumbling around in the dark for my hoodie feeling the cold night air.

Eleanor walked out of the room I was staying in through the lounge room and kitchen area and outside to the balcony of the small flat Music and Mood were renting for Unknown and the behind the scenes crew whilst staying in Melbourne. The moonlight casts the balcony in a silver glow; Eleanor sat on one of the many brick walls balancing her weight, as the plummet below would probably break something or worse.
Her hair was messy, she looked overly tired like she hadn't slept a wink it was two in the morning, she had thrown on one of my many checked over shirts over her pyjamas and was shivering.

"Luke I need to apologise to you before I walls have been up and I know I'm a wreck...I keep pushing you and the others away because I'm too scared about someone caring about me. I feel as though whatever love and caring nature my parents grew me up on was crushed with that car accident and I was thrown into the ocean without a life teenage years were spent feeling unloved and my self-esteem was crushed. Then you came along at the age of seventeen with your dad who loves you so much...and I was stuck with your annoying yet caring nature. I was stuck under the same roof as you for two whole years and somehow you dragged me out of my shell, you actually cared. And guess what Luke... thankyou...thank you for caring for me, for being my friend for dragging me on crazy adventures! Thank you for putting up with the mess that is Eleanor Morgan" She had tears in her eyes as she finished speaking.

I swallowed down the lump in my throat. "Come here you idiot" I muttered and pulled her in for a hug. She sobbed into my shoulder, I kissed her cheek gently. "El it is way too early in the morning to be emotional like this. You need to rest."

"I can't sleep" She muttered.

"Well I can" I stated and rolled my eyes. "And I want my shirt back you thief"

She let out a laugh. "I spoke to Harrison and the others today. I'm going to go stay with Charlie for a while. I just need to take a break- get my health back in order."

I nodded but held her tighter to me. "Take care of yourself El"

"I will" She stated her voice muffled by my shirt and vice iron grip on her.

"I'll miss you"

"I know"

"We will miss you"

"I know. It's only for a few months; surely you guys can survive without me."



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