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"We're here!" Justin said, bouncing up and down happily. I rolled my eyes. After my Girl Scout Camp incident in the seventh grade, hiking has never been the same. Before Justin got out of the car, I warned him.

"We are taking the beginner's path," I said to him. "I'm only doing this for you because you wanted to this. But if I see a sign that says that there's snakes, bears, or any creature that could kill someone; I'm out."

Justin laughed. "Whatever you say, (y/n)." He kissed my cheek and we headed on the path.

In less than a few minutes I was already about to throw in the towel. I stopped. "Justinnnn." I whined.

Justin stopped and turned to me. "Whatttt?" He mocked playfully.

"Can we just take a break?" I point to my feet. "My feet are tired."

"We haven't even walked for more than thirty minutes." Justin said.

"We've been walking for thirty minutes?!" I said in awe.

"Yep." Justin said, popping the "p".

"Well shoot," I give him the peace sign, walking slowly away. "I'm going back to the car, see you whenever your done. Deuces!"

That's when Justin jogged over to me and stopped me. "Come on (y/n)," Justin whined. "You said you would do this, so you can't back out."

"Ugh," I put my head on his shoulder. "But it's hard, Baby."

Justin giggled a bit. "Well if you get to the top without complaining, then I'll do the dishes for two months."

I spring up. "Well what are we waiting for?" I said, starting to jogg up the path. Justin laughed and caught up to me.

Finally, we made it to the top and I couldn't be happier. "What a beautiful sunrise." Justin said in awe. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me tight.

"It sure is." I agreed. Our eyes met and he smiled at me.

"It's not even close to how beautiful you are."

"Aww how cute," I cooed, squishing his face. "You still have to the dishes for two months."

"Damnit," Justin said, snapping his finger in disappointment. "But now that you've reached the top, will you hike with me more often."

"Hell no." I laughed.

"It was worth a try."

Sorry I haven't updated. But with school and finals, I've been tied up lately. I'll try to update as best as I can but I hate when other people say they'll update but don't so we'll see. I also want to thank you guys for supporting my little imagines and giving me positive feekback. I really appreciated. #blackbeliebersunited lol. I hope you guys have a good day. Love you lots.

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