It's A Party

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I had never went to a huge party with celebrities before, so when Justin told me that Kylie Jenner was having a huge house warming party I freaked out. How was I gonna pull this off? I started to text my best friend y/bff/n for advice.

Y/BFF/N: I'll be there in ten minutes to help you get dressed.

Me: Omg thank you so much. What would I do without you?

Y/BFF/N: Nothing lol. See you soon.

I waited for her in anticipation and worry. As soon as I heard the door bell rang, I jumped up from the couch and scurried to the front door. When I opened it, y/bff/n was standing with a smile on her face and suitcases.

"Do we really need all those things?" I asked, pointing to the two large suitcases she was carrying inside.

"Do you want to impress Justin or not?" She asked me. I shook my head yes.

Y/bff/n and I went upstairs to my bedroom to start the transformation. Y/bff/n straighten my curls out so that it met the middle of my back. She also put some make up on me.

"Now," Y/bff/n said, taping her finger on her chin in thought. "Which dress should I put you in?" She unzipped the second suitcases, which contained ten dresses.

"Oh my god," I said in awe. "You really came prepared."

"Well this a fashion emergency," She said. She grabbed a tight white dress and some gold accessories. "Your gonna look hot."

I took the dress and accessories from her and went to bathroom. I put on the dress and y/bff/n was right, I looked hot. I put on the gold chain necklace on my neck and the diamond earrings in my ears. I stepped out the bathroom and y/bff/n smiled.

"Yep," She said, satisfied. "That's the one." I then got a text from Justin.

Jay I'll pick you up in fifteen minutes.

Anxiety ran through me.

"Y/bff/n," I said, panicked. "Justin said he's going to be here in fifteen."

"Don't worry," She assured me, grabbing her things. "You look great and the party's going to be fun."

I hugged her tightly. "Thank you for everything."

"I'm always here for you." She said. She hugged me again and headed out of the door.

"This is going to be a good night." I assured myself.


The fifteen minutes came faster than I thought. The door bell rang and I fixed myself, grabbed my gold clutch, and opened the door. Justin looked at me in awe. I giggled and felt my cheeks getting hot.

"Y/n," Justin said, still in shock. "You look amazing."

"Why, thank you." I said. I kissed his cheek. "Should we get going?"

"Y-yeah," Justin said, shuddering a bit. I could see him blushing a bit and I smirked a bit. "Ladies first."

I walked past him, adding a little something to my walk. I was definitely feeling myself. Y/bff/n hooked me up. I could feel Justin staring at my butt. He opened the passenger side of his Ferrari for me and I thanked him.

This was gonna be a fun night.


We got to Kylie's new house and tellong from the outside, everyone was getting turnt already. Justin stopped the car and got out first to open the door for me so I could get out.

"Don't let the party intimidate you baby," He told me. "Just have fun okay?"


We walked inside the house and 6 God by Drake blasted through the whole house. A couple people greeted Justin and he introduced me to them. We got to the living room where Chris Brown was. Chris saw Justin and got up to give him a bro hug.

"Yo Breezy," Justin said, smiling at him. "How are you doing these days?"

"Nothing much," Chris said. "Just livin' life."

"I hear you." Justin said back.

Chris looked at me and smiled brightly. "I see you finally went for the chocolate." I giggled a bit.

Justin laughed. "Chris this is y/n, y/n this Chris."

Chris held out his hand for me to shake it. "Nice to me you."

"Nice to meet you, too." I said back.

"You're really pretty," He said to me. He looked at Justin. "No wonder he fell for you."

"Do you know where Kylie is?" Justin asked Chris, blushing a bit from his comment.

"She's in the kitchen." Chris answered.

"Alright, we'll see you later." Justin said, leading me to the kitchen.

"Nice to see you, y/n." Chris called to me.

"You too." I said back.

We made it to the kitchen and we saw Kylie with Tyga's arm wrapped around her waist. Kendall was there eating some chips and salsa with Hailey. Kylie saw us and ran to hug me.

"So you're the famous y/n," She said as we pulled out of the hug. "Justin talks about you on and on."

I looked Justin. He blushed and looked down. "He does?" I asked her.

"He's totally whipped." Kendall added.

"Hey!" Justin yelled at Kendall, pouting.

"It's the truth." Kendally said, continuing to eat the chips.

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