"nine years"

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Four years later: Third Person POV 

Y/n and Miya were in college now, Miya was studying Zoology and Y/n was studying medicine. When they first started college, they decided to get an apartment together since it was cheaper and they really wanted to live together. It had been four years since they started dating; not everything was perfect, but they were happy together because they were made for each other. 

Miya's POV

It was early morning and Y/n was still sleeping. The sunlight came through the curtains and shined light into the room. I got out of our bed and went to the bathroom. I did my morning routine and decided to stay in my pajamas. I went to the kitchen to cook something for Y/n. It was one of the first days we both had no morning classes are were at home with each other for the morning. 

I wanted to do something special, so I made her breakfast in bed. I cooked some eggs on the stove and put some bread in the toaster. I added a little salt and pepper to the eggs and then a cheese slice before flipping the egg over. I buttered the toast and waited for the eggs to finish cooking. Once they were done, I made us some coffee and I took everything to our room. 

"Y/n, wake up" I said to her. "Why are you waking me up so early? We don't have any classes today" she said, without opening your eyes. "Can you just sit up, you rat" I provoked her. 

Right as I said that, she sat up and was ready to throw a pillow at me. She stopped when she saw the food in my hands. 

"I'll give you a pass this time...only cause you're feeding me" she said before eating a piece of the egg. 

She looked up at me and raised her eyebrow. 

"What?" I asked her. "I didn't know you knew how to cook" she said. 

I rolled my eyes and then I flicked her forehead. 

"Hey!" she yelled. "I'm sorry, your head's so big and it was in the way" I said to her. 

She rolled her eyes and sipped on her coffee. We've always been like this: going back and forth and making fun of each other. As we were eating, somebody FaceTimed me. 

"You should pick it up" Y/n said to me. 

I saw the caller ID and I groaned. 

"It's Reki" I whined. 

Y/n took the phone from me and answered it. I panicked a little bit. 

'Don't let him see it'  I mouthed to her. 'I won't'  she mouthed back.

"Hey Y/n" I heard Reki's voice. "Hey, you need anything?" she asked him. "No, where's Miya?" Reki asked "He's here" she replied and turned the camera to me. "Hey Reki" I said. "How are you two?" he asked. "What are they eating?" I heard Cherry's voice in the background. "It looks like eggs" Joe replied to him. "Uhh....I forgot to tell you, everyone's here" Reki smiled awkwardly. "Where's Y/n, put her back on the phone" Cherry said. "Okay, okay, don't yell at me!" Reki said. "How's my favorite niece doing?" Cherry asked. "Your one and only niece is doing well" she replied while brushing a piece of hair out of her face. 


"Y/n, what's on your hand?" Cherry asked her. "What do you mean?" Y/n put her left hand up and looked at it confused. "Let me see your other hand" he demanded. 

Oh god, we were getting caught now. Y/n put her right hand in frame. 

"I could have sworn I saw something" Cherry said before giving the phone back to Reki. "Okay, you two enjoy your breakfast now, bye" he said before hanging up. 

I looked over at Y/n and glared at her. 

"You bozo!" I slightly raised my voice. "My bad! I was able to cover it up, they don't know a thing!" she said. 

Right as she said that, her phone went off. She quickly went to grab it. 

"Holy shit! It's my uncle!" she said. "Which one?" I asked her. "Which one do you think, dumbass" she replied to me. "What does it say" I ignored that last comment. 

She read the message and then she handed me her phone. 

🍒 🌸 Uncle Karou 🛹

ik what you're hiding...u can't fool me

tell anyone and it's on sight.

"Crap" I said out loud. "He's better at keeping secrets" Y/n said to me. "I hope you're right" I said to her. "Of course I'm right" she said. "I don't want them all knowing, they'll come here and throw a huge party" I explained. "It's kinda fun...keeping this a secret" Y/n said. "It is" I agreed to her. "Let me see it" I said to Y/n. 

She put her hand in mine. I looked at her engagement ring, it was golden with diamonds that were arranged into a flower. I had to get something that matched Y/n's beauty. I proposed to her a few months back and it's been a secret since. We were waiting for the right time to tell everyone and we're not doing anything big until we graduate. 

"So...my Mrs, what's the plan for today?" I asked Y/n. "Your Mrs? I was thinking, we stay here and enjoy the day together" Y/n said. "That would be nice" I said to her before laying in her lap. 

She played with my hair and I held her hand. 

"Nine years...it's been nine years since we first met" Y/n said. "Nine years are you're still adorable" I tried to make Y/n flustered. 

She turned her head away from me so I couldn't see her blushing. 

"Nine years and I can still make you blush" I tapped her cheek. "I can still beat you in a fight" Y/n said to me. "Oh really?" I asked her. 

She moved the plates to the floor and then got a pillow. She then hit me with it. I got a pillow and hit her with it. 

"You were saying?" I asked her. 

She threw the pillow at my head and I hit the window.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" she asked me. "You're annoying" I said to her. "I love you too" she said.

The End

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