Chapter 20

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"Holy shit ."

Maya immediately ran to Carina's side as she saw the pale girl sitting unconsciously in a the tub of dark red blood.

"Lucia!" Maya called out not knowing what to do. "Help! Please!"

Not even seconds later Lucia came bursting into the room finding the two in the bathroom.

"Goddamnit!" Lucia whispered under her breath as she rushed over to carina. "Maya call 911 put it on speaker." The mother said as Maya quickly got out her phone dialing the number.

Lucia checked her pulse, seeing that it was a little slow, she drained the bloody water from the tub, she didn't see any scars or wounds on her body that would've caused the bleeding but then realized that this has happened before.

"Did Carina say anything about her period, or cramping, dizziness, struggling to keep her balance? Anything?" Lucia asked.

"She was struggling to stand up at the end of practice today so I ended up having to drive her home, she looked fatigued. They aren't answering for fucks sake just pick up God!" Maya nearly yelled.

"Hey, language tereso , your just panicking, go get towels and lie them on the bed, I need to get her dry and dressed.

Maya ran to get towels, and did what lucia said to do. "Youre an ob do you know what's happening to her?" Maya asked getting carina some clothes as lucia carried her onto the bed.

"She's a heavy bleeder, her periods are tuff on her, she cramps to the point were she can't walk and loses to much blood. Her body has trouble producing new blood that mixed with the pain and pressure of her cramps caused her to faint. Sometimes the amount of blood loss leads to anemia, in this state the amount of oxygen that her blood can carry is lower, when her brain senses even the slightest drop in oxygen levels, it triggers the changed that can lead to fainting as well. I just cant believe she went to practice dealing with this my poor girl." Lucia said as she finished dressing carina.

They tried 911 again and they picked up Lucia explained everything. They sent an ambulance and lucia and Maya rode with Carina to the hospital.

They set her up in a room, with Iv fluids and oxygen.

"Dr.DeLuca, your daughter will be fine, after the fluids are done we will do more blood work and make sure her oxygen levels are steady then we will prescribe her with iron pills, those will prevent the fainting and help produce more red blood cells during heavy periods, she's a strong kid, she should be awake in a couple of hours." The doctor explained.

"Thank you doctor" Lucia smiled.

"I hate to say this but it's a couple of pregnant mama's who need assistance and we're short, i dont want you to leave your child but please DeLuca" the doctor begged.

" fine , I'll help out, it would take my mind off of this. Maya you can leave if you want" Lucia told her.

"I'm not leaving her." Maya shook her head as lucia nodded giving carina a kiss on her forehead as she left.

Maya pulled the chair up close to the bed, she grabbed Carina's hand pressing it against her forehead. "I cannot began to imagine the pain you went through today, i didnt make it better, all I did was create stress on so so sorry" Maya pressed a kiss on carina's cheek, she held the girl hand for the past hours never letting go.

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