♡chapter seven♡

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Robin and I walked out of my room and went downstairs. Finn and Gwenny were on the couch, watching TV. "Hey guys." I said. "Hi Y/n, Hi Robin!" Gwen said. Finney got up and walked over to us saying, "Um, Y/n? So I kind of asked Donna to hang out today..." My jaw dropped. Finn had liked Donna since, what, the third grade? "Oh my god what did she say" I asked. He smiled, responding, "She said okay, and she's coming over at 8." "Damn" Robin said. "Finney, I'm really happy for you." I said. "Anyways, the main reason why I told you was to ask you if you wanted to be there too, and I need you guys to act very couple-y, so Donna gets the hint that its a date." Finney said. "Fine." Robin and I said, exchanging faces.

Fast forward a few hours, and Robin and I are in my room. Gwenny had gone to her room to go to bed, and Finney was downstairs. Robin and I were laying on the floor, talking. "Robin, tell me something that nobody else knows about you." I said. He sighed, thinking about it for a moment. "Well, you were the first person that I really loved. Believe it or not, I started loving you and caring about you a long time ago, way before I told you how I felt." He finally said. I sat up. "Robin, what?!" I asked. He laughed a bit, shrugging. I lied back down. "Really?" I asked. "Mhm." He said, continuing. "And I never told anybody that. Finn sort of knew, though." "Finn knew? And he didn't even fucking tell me?" I said, kind of pissed at Finney. Him and I were best friends and told each other everything, so him not telling me something this important made me upset. Robin sat up and shrugged, saying, "I mean, he didn't really know, but oh well, there's nothing we can do about it now." 

I lied down, putting my head in his lap as he ran his hands through my hair. He looked down at me while I looked up at him, in a staring contest of admiringness, if that even was a word. After a minute, he smiled. "You don't know how perfect you are. I swear, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Y/n. I love you so much." He said. I smiled, saying, "I love you too, Robin."

"GUYS" We heard Finney yell from downstairs. "SHE'S HERE FUCK FUCK FUCK OKAY Y/N AND ROBIN THE TWO OF YOU COME DOWNSTAIRS RIGHT NOW" He continued yelling. Robin and I exchanged glances and then proceeded to burst out in laughter. We ran downstairs as Finn told us to and sat down on the couch, looking couple-y as Finney said. We heard Donna walk in and Finn and her talking, and they walked over to the living room. "Oh, hey guys!" Donna said, sitting down on the other couch. "Hey" Robin and I both said. Finney sat down next to Donna, saying, "So, what movie do you guys want to watch?" "Texas Chainsaw Massacre." Robin immediately said. I laughed at his response. "What? It's a good movie, okay?" Robin said. 

A little after the movie started, I looked over at Donna and Finn. Finn had moved closer to Donna, putting his arm around her, and her leaning closer to him. I gasped, nudging Robin's arm, whispering to him, "Robin, Robin oh my god, look at Finney and Donna." Robin looked over at them, smiling. "I knew he could do it. I knew it would work." "What would work?" I asked. Robin looked over at me, saying, "Well, I gave him some advice."

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