♡chapter thirteen♡

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My eyes instantly opened, as I said, "Robin?" But Robin was still in his bed, unconscious. In the doorway his uncle was standing there. "Hi, are you okay? I heard that you were there when the ambulance came." He said, walking over to me and giving me a hug. "Mhm, I'm fine, I think." I said. Robin's uncle sat down in the chair next to mine and I did the same. "Thank you, Y/n. If it weren't for you Robin may have not survived." He said after a minute. I looked over at him, saying, "Of course." A moment passed until he said, "You know, he really loved and cared about you. He was the happiest I've ever seen him ever since you two got together. He talks about you all the time." I smiled as I asked, "Really?" "Really."

I went home for the first time in 3 days after that. I took a shower, quietly crying to myself again. My dad, Finn, and Gwen kept asking if I wanted to eat anything or if I wanted to hang out with them, but I kept saying no. I stayed in my room for the next two days, watching TV, isolating myself from everyone I loved.

On the third day, my phone rang. I blinked, remembering the last time what happened when my phone rang. I walked over to it, hesitating at first, but eventually picking up. I sighed, then saying, "Hello?" "Hi, this is Robin's uncle. He woke up."

I ran out of my room and bolted down the stairs. "Oh Y/n, hey. Everything okay?" My dad asked. "Nope" I yelled, pulling my hoodie over my head. "Dude what happened?" Finn asked, looking up from the TV. I slid my shoes on and opened the door. As I was about to slam it, I shouted, "My nearly dead boyfriend/ex-boyfriend just woke up and I have to go see him and apologize for being a bitch" I slammed the door, running outside.

I rode all the way from my house to the hospital on my bike, so I was insanely out of breath when I got there. I walked up to the front desk, asking the nurse, "Hi. I'm here to see Robin Arellano. I heard he woke up." She smiled, saying, "Yeah, he did almost an hour ago. Go right ahead to his room." "Thanks" I said, speedwalking to his room. When I got there, his uncle wasn't in the room, only Robin.

When he saw me, he smiled his adorably stupid smile, his eyes lighting up.

"Hey princesa. Miss me?"


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