♡chapter twelve♡

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TW: gore

I couldn't sleep all night. I was crying, thinking about how my relationship with Robin had ended so quickly. As tired as I was, I couldn't fall asleep no matter what. At around two in the morning, I got up and put a zip up hoodie over my tank top and pajama shorts and put on a pair of sandals. I walked outside and got on my bike. Biking at night usually took my mind off things. Sure, it wasn't safe, but who cares? I don't have anything to live for anymore.

As I was biking around my neighborhood, I had a bad feeling about something. I just didn't know what it was. All of a sudden, around the corner, I heard a crash. I picked up the pace on my bike, going to check out what the noise was. As I turned the corner, I saw at the end of the road, about fifty feet away, there was a car, and a boy around my age lying on the ground in front of the car. I biked over as fast as I could.

I jumped off my bike around twenty feet away from the car, which a man was getting out of. I ran over to where the boy was lying on his side, his face away from my direction. "Holy shit, are you okay? What happened?" I asked the driver. "I'm fine, but the kid isn't. Oh god, I just hit a kid with my car. Oh my god." He said. I sprinted over to the boy, who was lying in a growing pool of blood. "Hey, can you hear me?" I asked the boy. I gently turned him over so he was lying face up, when I noticed who the boy was. The unconscious boy lying in front of me was Robin.

"Oh my god. Robin." I said. I couldn't recognize him. His arm clearly looked broken, he had a deep cut on the side of his face, which was gushing with blood. His stomach was cut open, and was the main source of all the blood everywhere. I knelt down to put his head in my lap. He looked very peaceful, he looked like he was just sleeping. I checked his pulse, it was there, but it was very weak. "He's still alive, but won't be for much longer." I said to the man. "Please, please call 911. He's dying." I said, sobbing. I sat there, crying, covered in Robin's blood, holding his dying body, his head in my lap. 

When the ambulance arrived, they let me go with Robin. As we were driving to the hospital, I held Robin's hand the whole way, praying that he would stay alive. When we got there, Robin was rushed into surgery. I watched as the doors shut in front of me, begging silently that he would be okay.

I sat in the bathroom for an hour, crying while scrubbing Robin's blood off of my clothes and my body. I did this. He probably ran in front of the car because of what happened a few hours ago. I sobbed quietly to myself, blaming myself for the whole situation.

I sat in the waiting room for hours. After a while, a nurse came up to me, saying, "Hi hon. He's out of surgery and in his room, if you would like to sit there with him." "Thank you so much." I said, getting up and walking to his room. When I got there, he looked so different to the usual Robin. Instead of being his normal, cocky self, he looked so helpless lying in his hospital bed. There was a cast on his arm and bandages covering his head and stomach. He was attached to many machines. I calmed down since I wasn't used to seeing him like this, and then I sat down next to him and started talking.

I talked for around two hours, getting everything off my chest, apologizing profusely. It didn't matter that he couldn't hear me, I wanted to tell him everything. After I finished crying and talking to him, I sat back in my chair, sighed, and fell asleep. A few hours later, I heard a voice say,


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