♡chapter ten♡

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a/n : hi everyone ! i'm so sorry i haven't been active as much , i've been trying to focus on school and applications , so i haven't had much time to write . but thankfully , i'm back and excited to continue this book . enjoy ! <3 .

My jaw tightened as I stood there, listening. I felt the tears sting in the back of my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away. I wasn't going to cry. Not here. Not now. I took a deep breath, a voice in my head telling me to stop torturing myself. I turned on my heel, and walked away.

I got to the table, where Finn was still sitting. I grabbed my hoodie off of my chair. "Let's go." Finn blinked. "What do you mean?" He asked. "We're leaving. Let's go." I said. Finney instantly got up, grabbed his things, and followed me. Finn didn't ask questions this time, noticing that I was visibly upset. 

As we walked out of the mall, Finney asked me, "What was that about? Where are Robin and Donna?" I bit the inside of my cheek, not wanting to tell him. I know that it was hard on not only me, but it would be hard on Finn, and it would absolutely break his heart. I took a deep breath. "I heard Donna and Robin talking to each other, and Donna said that she likes Robin and they want to get together." Straight up. Way to sugarcoat things, Y/n. I looked at Finney and in his eyes I could see that his heart dropped to the floor, and shattered. He looked down at the ground, and mumbled, "Oh."

The extremely depressing part was that Finn really liked Donna. Like, he had a crush on her for the longest fucking time, longer than Robin and Finn have been friends. The thing was, Finney couldn't pull for shit. Nobody was ever interested in him, or even found him attractive. That came with a lot of bullying. Girls would laugh at him, calling him an 'unfuckable nerd'. The guys were the worst though. They called him gay, ganged up on him and continued to beat the shit out of him. So when Donna and Finn got together, Finney was the happiest he had ever been. He felt like he had won. And to find out that Donna was faking all of that... it really fucked Finn up.

When we got home, Finn and I sat in my room with Gwen while Finn cried. I also wanted to cry, but not in front of them, so I sat there, Gwen and I smothering Finney with hugs. "I never liked Donna, anyway. I don't even know why you guys put up with that bitch." Gwen said, trying to make us feel better. "Gwen." I said, giving her a warning look. When Finn was done being comforted, he got up and dried his tears off. "I don't even fucking care. She's a whore, I'm over her already." I smiled, saying, "Good." I knew he would be hung up on her for a long time.

The next day, I woke up to find my face all red and puffy from crying last night. I quickly washed it with cold water, so nobody would notice. When I got out of the bathroom and went to my room, I sat down to read a book to take my mind off the situation. But I still kept thinking about how fucked up everything was. Robin told me he loved me. He told me that he would never leave. Turns out they were just meaningless words.

All of a sudden, the phone in my room rang. I put my book down and got up out of bed to answer it. I picked up the receiver, saying, "Hello?" "Hey, um.. it's Robin." I rolled my eyes as I slammed the receiver down, hanging up. The second I walked away, it rang again. I picked up the receiver again, "Hello?" "Y/n. Please li-" I hung up again, more aggressive this time. I got back in bed and began reading again. After thirty seconds, my phone rang a third time. "Jesus fucking Christ." I said, getting up. I snatched the receiver, saying, "Stop fucking calling me." I was about to hang up, when Robin said, "Y/n, you don't know what happened." "What do you mean?" I asked. "I heard you listening in on the conversation. Can I please just explain what happened?" My blood was fucking boiling. I was ready to go off on this fucking boy. "I know damn well what fucking happened." I said, hanging up then dropping the receiver on the ground so nobody could call me. I sat back in bed, picking up my book, acting unbothered, even though I felt like I wanted to throw up.

The next day, I kept the receiver on the ground, so it was peaceful not having Robin keep trying to apologize and play the victim. I spent time with my family the whole day, especially with Finn, because he was more heartbroken than angry. I still couldn't wrap my mind around why Robin would do that, after telling me that he specifically wouldn't cheat, and that he was 'mine and mine only'. Ha. Yeah. Sure, Arellano.

A few hours later, I was getting ready for bed. As I was about to dim the lights, I heard something at my window. Maybe rain. No, it was harder than rain. And in an even pattern. I walked over to my window and opened it, my good mood that I had today had completely disappeared. The boy knocking on my window, was none other than Robin Arellano. You have got to be fucking kidding me.

a/n : btw , chapter eleven may take some time to write , because i have seating auditions next weekend . but tysm for all the love and support on all my books ! have an amazing day / night , wherever you are in the world rn . ily ! <3 .

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