I Miss You Michael - Part 4 (MJJ Imagine No. 24)

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You roll over onto your side and inhale the sweet musky and sexy scent of Bal à Versailles®, the one perfume Michael always wears and that drives you crazy when he's near you. Yes, he was right, you do become klutzy when he's around and it's all his and his perfume's fault. You smile and open your eyes. Instead of seeing the picture of your family on your nightstand and the familiar Wedgewood blue of your bedroom walls, you see white walls and dark wood trim. You also realize you did not wake up in a bed, but rather on a bedroll on the floor. You roll onto your back and look above your head. You break into a smile.

"Good morning," Michael says looking down at you from his position on the couch.

"Good morning."

"How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good considering I'm on the floor. What am I doing here?"

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"Being driven crazy by your kisses and then watching The Sound of Music with you." He starts laughing.

"I think you watched about one minute of it. You pretty much fell asleep right after we actually started watching it. I watched the rest then carried you up here. It was too late to send you home."

"Where did you sleep?"

"Right here. It's not exactly a comfortable couch for sleeping. That's why I sleep on the bedroll."

"Can you come down here with me?"

"I would but I took your jeans off you when I tucked you in so you'd sleep better." You slip your hand under the blankets and feel your thigh. You also notice the shirt tails of his shirt you're still wearing are untied.

"You undressed me?"

"Would you have slept as well as you did if you were in my jeans?"

"No. Did you look at me?"

"No," he answers way too quickly and quietly. He also averts his eyes.

"Michael Joe Jackson! You looked at me!" He starts laughing and you grab your pillow and hit him with it. "I can't believe you looked at me."

"I couldn't help it!" he exclaims while still laughing. "I was trying not to but I'm a guy and I find you very attractive. I could have completely changed you and put you in my PJs but I figured you'd never talk to me again if I did that."

"You've got that right."

"I only looked at your legs."

"That's it? Really? You didn't lift my shirt up to look under it considering you untied the shirt tails."

"Again for your comfort." You roll your eyes. "No, I did not lift your shirt to take a peek. I was too afraid you'd wake up."

"Oh, so you would have if you could have."

"I'm a guy. You're beautiful; you were asleep. Why wouldn't I want to steal a peek?"

"Great. My boss wants to see me in my underwear or worse yet, naked."

"Yet you had no trouble making out with said boss on the couch last night." You look at him.

"Touché." He laughs and you start laughing with him.

"What would you like to do today?"

"Stay here and talk with you."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"For starters, why do you sleep on the floor on a bedroll when you have a perfectly good bed right over there and another perfectly good bed up in the loft?" He looks at you and doesn't say anything. After a couple minutes you tell him, "I'm sorry, Michael. I didn't mean to make you upset."

I Miss You, MichaelWhere stories live. Discover now