🐺x🦋 Mafia Husband (mix language)

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"Where are you Watanabe Haruto..." Jeongwoo growl in anger as the younger haven't return from his school yet. "Do you want us to find him sir?" Jaehyuk volunteer and step closer towards their angered leader. "No, let's just wait until 7. Kalau dia masih belum pulang inform pada ku." Jaehyuk mengangguk patuh sebelum meninggalkan ruangan itu.

Park Jeongwoo
Leader mafia
23 tahun
Suami Haruto
Possesive amat
Auranya cold tapi dalemnya anget
Pokoknya bucin sama ruru


Haruto quickly run as fast as he can. He can't believe he fall asleep in the class and nobody wake him up. Pft- of course siapa aja sih yg berani nyentuh pangeran ice Treasure High??? "Aish! Jewu pasti marah ruru telat!!!" He's out from the school area but sadly there's no bus coming in that hour. (I know it's still early just ignore it)

"Mau gak mau ruru harus pulang lewat gang ini." He look straight into the creepy old alley as that's the only shortcut to their mansion. "Ready or not... be brave Haruto!" He slowly step inside the dark alley and walk as fast as he can when he heard noises behind him.

Watanabe Haruto
Suami (uke) Jeongwoo
19 tahun
Punya Jewu
Di sekolah beda di rumah beda
Terpaling manisss

After a few hours inside the alley he finally almost reach the mansion. Just few more walk but the boy heart won't stop beating. 'Ada yg ngikut??' He noticed someone's following him from behind. He want to look so badly but scared. What if the person standing right behind him once he turn his head? What if that person carries knife with them?

'What if it's not a person?'

Haruto start sweating and shaking from all the negative thought in his head. 'Ihhh!!! Semua salah Jewu! Udah dibilang ga mau nonton yg serem ii!!' He cursed his husband for forcing him to watch horror movie few days ago until he faint. 'Run' He dash as the footstep sounds came closer towards him and also start running with him.

'Itu dia! Pintu mansion!!' Haruto stop and turn around only to saw a tall figure walk towards him. Jewu! Haruto turn to the mansion and saw Jeongwoo waited outside with his boys and have a scary looks on his face. Haruto sprint to the older and hug him tightly. Catching his breath hardly as he saw the tall figure outside their mansion. "Where are you running to cutie?" The weird dude called out.

"Siapa?" Jeongwoo's face turn softer as he saw how terrified the younger look. "Ga tau... Mas Jewuu haru takut." He buried his face on the older hard chest and burst into tears. "Kamu ga kenal dia?" He ask just to be sure. "Iya.. dia tiba ii ngejar haru... Mas yuk masuk haru takut..." Haruto ngerengek pas Jeongwoo masih kekeh di tempatnya.

"Kill him." Jeongwoo ordered his boys as he saw how the man stares at his dear wife disgustingly. He wrap one arm around the younger waist before carrying him bridal style. "You sure sir?" One of his guy asked. "He made my love cried. He shall receive the punishment. Don't forget to pluck out his eyes." With that he cover both Haruto's ears as they shoot the stranger and took him to his room.

The others turn to Jeongwoo as he return with the smaller male in his arm and sit on his chair with the male on his lap. "Mandi, terus kesini lagi. Mas mau nanya kamu sesuatu." Arah Jeongwoo yg langsung dituruti si manis.


Haruto udah bersih dan make pijama bermotif kucing. Perlahan lahan dia memasuki ruangan si suami. "Sini." Jeongwoo menepuk paha kokohnya yg langsung di duduki si manis.

Haruto harem [hiatus]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang