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...for a second, and she didn't even know why, I thought, staring at Vee. She had been this close to kissing me and I didn't know what I would have done if she hadn't ended up falling backwards. I think that's what perplexes me the most. Did I...want that kiss? Or was I simply just overwhelmed by the situation?

I laughed nervously, honestly not having heard what Vee just said with my mind focused on my thoughts and all. "Let's get back to our drills," I repeated, heading to my line before she could say...or do anything else.

After we had all gotten tired of the rings, Coach suggested a five minute break before we would run the rest of practice. Wang pulled me aside before I could go and fill up my water bottle I had brought along with the girls.

"I see some improvement with the girls, Constance. You might be on to something with all these little focused activities," Wang complimented me, "And it's funny because some of these were once my strategies. Maybe...I've just lost my touch for coaching," she shrugged.

I frowned. "Noo. This school needs you. This team does. It's like a family here. It's more than just the wins."

"But for a lot of girls, it is just the wins," she stated, "They came to this team because it was almost renowned. They need scholarships. They need money. They play this sport because they want a future for themselves...and their family. They put coins and hard work into this, and me alone...I can't help a team win like that anymore. I feel like I'm failing them, Clark," she admitted, her voice breaking a little.

"You're not," I said sternly. "Look at all the good that's coming out of practice today. Imagine how they'll be by the end of the season. These girls are gonna be on the news," I grinned.

"Because you're here," Wang stated. "You ever thought about being a coach, Clark?"

"Oh please. Don't start that. You're not retiring, Wang. I won't let you," I told her. "These girls need you. This school- this community...would miss you."

"When the time comes, the time comes," she told me. With a pat on the back, Coach Wang held up her watch. "It's runnin' late. You might wanna go ahead and get a move on to that job of yours." I pulled out my phone and checked the time too. Texts from Angelle were already waiting- didn't I tell her I helped out the volleyball team now? I sighed, "You're right. I'll lead them into the running and to make sure they pace themselves, then I guess I'll be dippin' out. Take it easy, Coach."

She nodded. "You too, Clark."

I walked over to the girls, most of them back from their short break. "I know not everyone's back yet but I have to leave soon, so anyone who isn't here to hear what I said, just reiterate it to them. I want you guys to run up and down this land after you all clean up the rings and neatly put them back where they're supposed to go. Captain and co-captain will supervise over you."

I looked across the team. "Don't use all of your energy when you first start running. This isn't a race, and even in a race, you don't do that neither. Not even in the Olympics. Your goal is to run for as long as you can. By the end of the week, it should come to you guys easily if you've been giving a damn," I smirked. "Nobody should be falling to the ground panting from a short run and you claim yourself to be a volleyball player."

I spotted Vee heading away from the building, coming out with her own water bottle. "I want you guys to buddy up, one group of three is fine. Help your partner make it through each lap. Cool off before the end of practice, go home and work on whatever volleyball skills you know you suck at, and make sure to soak in the tub. It might even be helpful if you guys practice outside of practice with one another," my eyes fell on Vee, before moving across the team, "I'm sorry I gotta leave y'all, but it's runnin' late for me. Don't break a leg," I added.

Walking away from the girls, I started for the building. I heard feet coming up behind me, so being where I was from, I glanced back. It was only Vee though, so my stance relaxed.

"Headin' off to work?" she asked, although she already knew the answer to that question.

"Yeah. I gotta hit the shower," I added, lifting up one of my arms and my nose confirming that fact. Vee giggled, then her expression turned tentative, "I gotta question for you, Con. go?"

"Yeah, wassup?" I stopped walking, staring at Vee.

That seemed to make her nervous. Maybe I seemed too intense to her? I tried to warm my expression, but it seemed like she was only working herself up more about whatever she wanted to ask.

"Was that...girl from the library your girlfriend?"

"Hm," I tilted my head. My mouth opened, "Ohh. Angelle, you mean? Oh, no. It's, um, complicated. But she's not my girl," I stated.

"Okay, thanks," she chirped, running off like a bat outta hell back to the team.

"Hm?" I watched her run away, then resumed my walk back into the building, her question on my mind.


𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now