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"Vee, wake up. Now."

My uncle was shaking me awake, the covers thrown off my cold body.

"What's goin' onnn," I mumbled, sitting up in bed.

"Your parents just called. They're on the way. Your new sibling is arriving soon and the adoption people called to inform them. They're taking you there," he said quickly, "Hurry up and get dressed."

"Okay," I yawned, "Okay."

I had barely gotten to the beginning part of my dream before I had been waken up, but okay, damn.

I got out of bed and threw on something I could go to the hospital in. By the time I had my shoes on and my hair out of my bonnet, my parents were outside, honking the horn and waiting for me.

Aunt Welma was awake too, smiling at me so gently as she stood besides my uncle and they watched me head out to my parents.

"Congratulations on your new sibling, Vivianne."

Yeah. Still didn't know how I felt about that just yet.

Guess I'd be finding out pretty soon.

"Hey," I got into the seat behind my father as my mother drove in the SUV. "Busy night, huh?"

"Oh, I'm so excited," my mother squealed. "I knew it'd be soon but-but are we even ready, Mason?"

"We have to be now," my father smiled, trying to reassure her. "Everything will turn out just fine, Diane," he added.

"Have you met the mom yet?" I asked curiously.

"We've discussed things but never met face to face. Today will be the day. We'll be there in the delivery room. I even get to be the first one to hold the baby. She doesn't want to," my mother informed me happily.

"Can I be there?" I asked.

"No. That'll probably be too many people. When the baby's born, you can come inside, Vee."

I was a little disappointed, but I didn't really care either way. We were at the hospital soon, and after five minutes of searching for a parking spot, they decided I'd be the one to park while they rush to the mother's room. Then, I'd go up to there after I parked to the waiting room in that area.

My mom parked at the loading zone and my parents got out. She tossed me the keys and I got into the driver's seat. It took me a little while to find a space because you know hospitals are always packed. But once I found a space, I headed inside and text my parents to give me the room number.

Once I had it, I went to the waiting room near where the baby would be born at. I was sitting there, impatient as ever (aren't babies born an hour?) when I caught sight of a familiar face rushing down the hall with coffee.


Con looked around for a moment, trying to place my voice. "Vee?" she finally spotted me. "What are you doin' here?"

"The baby my parents are gonna adopt is about to be born soon," I shrugged. "So they brought me with."

Con paused for a second, then started laughing.

"Yoo, this is crazy," she said, wiping tears from her eyes. I eyed the coffee cup in her hand. "Did someone die? Why are you here? What's wrong, Con?"

"I came here with Arnae. She was at the library, telling me the results to the paternity test my father participated in. The kid's not my brother, but I still came because she wouldn't have had anyone she knew up here with her, and her water broke out front."

"So my parents are takin' in Arnae's kid?" my face scrunched up, thinking about it. Damn, if that lil nigga or lil bitch act like Arnae...

"If this is y'all's room number, then yes," Con gestured to the door my parents had sent me a photo of. "I was bringing in coffee for Arnae. She said it might help soothe her nerves."

"What- No. I'm pretty sure she can't have coffee right now," I laughed.

"Well, shit. I'll drink it then. It's gonna be a long night for me. They said they expect a long labor for her because of how slow she's dilating. They might induce," Con shrugged.

"Long in maybe an extra hour?"

"Nahh, as in more than a few," Con laughed, coming to sit next to me. "Excited about the new baby?"

"I guess," I shrugged, "I just wish me and my parents had gotten a chance to repair things between the two of us before they had gotten all hyped up about another kid. It just kinda feels like, well...where does that leave, Vee? You know. Like...I don't wanna be left on the sidelines now that there's another kid. I'm used to being an only child," I explained.

"I don't think they're the type to do that, and if so, I'll beat 'em up," she joked, punching the air.

"I really need a kiss right now," I murmured, leaning my head on her shoulder.

"Your parents are just in there. They haven't even seen me yet. Don't know that I know Arnae. Imagine their surprise when their daughter's assistant volleyball coach is in the lobby kissin' on their creation."

"Shit, it has to happen eventually. They can't expect me to be single and pure my whole life," I rolled my eyes, "Or whatever BS they believe in."

"How was school today?" she changed topics, picking at her nails.

"Guess who ran away," I said, a smug look on my face. Served that bitch right to be possibly kidnapped. Con glanced over at me, an expression on her face saying 'and how the hell would I know'.

"Izzy and Tyone," I said.

"Whoa. Where'd they go?" Con frowned.

"No idea, but my counselor called me in and asked me about it. Guess Izzy wanted to make amends somewhat before she left off. She left her phone open  with her admitting to creating the fake messages and this and that. Then Tyone was basically saying that they were gonna run off and get married, based on his paper note," I explained. "Fuckin' hot mess. They know they gon get caught and be in some big ass trouble. Especially cause the cops know that he was hurtin' Izzy, cause that's the info she passed along to them from me."

"Wild. your parents have to know?" Con asked hesitantly.

"Ms. Will, my counselor, said no," I confirmed.

"When are you plannin' on tellin' them I'm your girlfriend?" Constance asked. "I know you can't do it now, but after graduation? The day of? After you move out of your relative's place?"

"Your...girlfriend?" I blushed.

"Yeah, I feel like I never formally asked you. I don't even know of a formal way to ask. But, that's what we are right? Girlfriends."

"Yeah," I said, shyly, not able to look her in the eyes.

"You're so cute when you're shy but we both know that's not the case," Constance smiled devilishly.

"Oh, really. Where's the evidence to that?" I asked innocently.

Constance leaned in to my ear, "The marks on your back-

"...yes, she won't be due today," the nurse coming out of Arnae's room was saying. She walked past us without a look, taking off her wet gloves and throwing them away in one of those red bins by the desk she went behind, going to talk with her coworkers.

"I should go in," Constance said, standing up. "I'll be right back."

"Was she in a lot of...pain?" I asked, worriedly.

"Yeah, but she'll be fine," Con shrugged, going inside. "Mr. and Mrs. Herida, what a joy!" Con said, overly in joy as the room door shut.

Huh, Arnae's my new sibling's biological mom.

"Some crazy shit right there," I mumbled, pulling out my phone.


𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now