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I watched from afar as Clay wrote in a little book with a bright green mechanical pencil. Every once and awhile he would put the pencil to his chin and tap a few times before writing again. His tongue sat right between his teeth as his foot tapped lightly on the ground.

I admired the smile on his face once he thought of something good while writing it down happily.

He continued writing for a few more minutes before laying his pencil in the middle of his book with a satisfied sigh. I took that as a sign to actually go figure what he was doing.

"Clay?" I asked as I walked towards the blond. I stood to the side of his chair while putting my hand on his shoulder to gain his attention. He glanced up at me with a small smile before looking back at his book with excitement.

"I planned out all of the fun things we can do this Christmas with Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity. Here, take a look." He states while pushing the book in my direction and taking the pencil off his fully covered page to allow me to read his words

I read through the bullet points of ideas with a smile.  After skimming through everything I look back up at Clay with a nod.

"Looks good, when shall we start?" I ask as I remember my hand was still on his shoulder.  I quickly take it off, but not too suddenly to make it suspicious.

"This Thursday I was thinking, the forecast says it will snow.  I want to go outside."  He replied as he closed his book and stood up, causing me to take a step back.

"Great! Want me to tell the others or are you coming downstairs as well?"  The five of us were at Clay's house, but me, Clay, and Sapnap all went upstairs.  Sapnap was currently in the bathroom- and has been for awhile- leaving just me and Clay in his room.

"I'll come, but do you think you could hurry Sap up? He's been shitting for awhile now."  We laugh as I nod, beginning to walk in the direction of Clay's bedroom door.  We split up once in the hallway, I go towards the bathroom while Clay goes to the stairs.  I knock loudly once reaching the wooden door.

"Clay said to stop shitting and hurry up!" I yelled which leads for Sapnap to yell back something along the lines of 'shut the fuck up'.  I turn around with a shrug before making my way to the stairs where Clay left to.

"Yeah I'm down." I hear Quackity say once reaching the living room where the other three resided.  Clay noticed my entry and smiled before speaking up.

"They'll be free, have you got Sapnap yet?" Clay questions while gesturing to Karl and Quackity sitting on the couch with a pack of Oreos.

"Yes yes he got me." Sapnap muttered as he appeared behind me, slightly scaring me.  Sapnap rose his eyebrows at me as he saw me jump with a little laugh before turning his attention back to the blond before us.

"Sapnap we are all going outside on Thursday! It's gonna snow so we are all gonna like build snowmen and shit."  Clay excitedly calls out with a smile, moving his arms around to emphasize his enthusiasm.  Sapnap nods before jumping onto the couch with Karl and Quackity, landing right in between the two, causing them to groan and attempt to push Sapnap off.

"George? Do you want me to drive you to Clay's house on Thursday?" Karl asked while looking up at me from the couch.  I nodded, as I would of had to ask one of them eventually to drive me. 

I couldn't drive myself obviously, because I never bothered to get my license.  I can see that it caused a trouble for me in the future now, but I'm too lazy to actually go get my license and a car now when I'm 26.  I'm practically an old man now, that would be embarrassing.

"Yeah, thanks Karlos." I replied back with a teasing smile causing Karl to roll his eyes back with a laugh,

"Alright Georgina."  I faked being offended, quite dramatically if I do say so myself, and practically threw myself at Karl- in an attempt to attack him, playfully of course.

"Okay okay that's enough." Clay states with a laugh after I was literally on top of Karl, squishing Sapnap as well in the process.  Clay grabbed my waist and pulled me up, causing my breathe to get caught in my throat and for my face to immediately flush.

I played it off quickly though, opting to use the attack option once again.  I playfully punched the taller blond in the shoulder, which obviously wasn't a very good idea as he just pushed me right back onto the couch.  Luckily, Karl and Sapnap were no longer in their previous positions, causing me to land right onto the soft cushions.

"You guys are all a bunch of weirdos." Quackity spoke up for the first time since when I first arrived in the living room.  Sapnap took that as a chance to involve the ravenette into our fight, pushing Quackity back onto the couch where I was sprawled out on.  Fortunately, he landed on the other end of the couch.

"You dick!" Quackity yells out while immediately getting up again, unlike me who just accepted defeat.

"Alexa play Christmas music!" Karl yelled out randomly while standing next to Clay's fully decorated tree.  The Alexa began to play 'Holly Jolly Christmas' which leads for Karl to begin dancing enthusiastically by shaking his hips back and forth with a laugh.

"Have a holly jolly Christmas!" He sings while rushing towards me to grab my hands.  He pulls me from the couch and forces me to dance by moving his own arms back and forth.  I hear Sapnap and Quackity singing behind me as well, causing me to turn my head to instead glance in Clays direction, wondering what he was doing.

Clay had his phone in hand, holding it up to face the four of us singing and dancing.  I immediately realize he is recording us so I rush towards him, dropping Karl's hands in the process.  Clays eyes widen as he holds his phone in the air, preventing me from reaching it, causing me to whine with a frown.

"Claaay." I drag out while trying to jump up to reach his phone.  He just shakes his head causing me to give up and turn back to Karl. 

The song had changed to 'All I want for Christmas is you'.  Karl seemed to especially like this song so he had ran over to join Quackity and Sapnap with dancing, seeing as I had left him to bother Clay instead.  The three of them were all holding hands while swaying back and forth, meanwhile also screaming in each other's faces, seemingly as loud as they possibly could.

Surprising me, my hand was grabbed and pulled to face Clay.  I smiled up at him and blushed a little, hoping to god that he didn't see it.  The blond twirled me around and playfully sang the lyrics to my face causing me to smile even bigger and giggle a bit.

"I love Christmas." Clay speaks up randomly.  I could barely hear him over the loud music and the three others singing, but I think I could make out his words clearly enough.

"Really? You've never been this excited years prior." I replied quite loudly, not wanting to have to repeat my sentence again.  Clay just shrugged while twirling me around again with a laugh.

"This years different, I can feel it." He answered back.  I smiled up at him again with a nod before attempting to twirl Clay around.  It just ended up with Clay hunched over trying to fit under my arm while I stood on my tippy toes though.

1337 words

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