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"Are you sure this won't be boring?" I asked, already feeling the slouch in my posture just looking at all the lights around us. I heard Clay sigh from next to me before pushing my shoulder slightly, forcing me to keep up with the others.

"I'm sure. Hey! Look over there it's Santa Clause." I looked in the direction the blond pointed only to see an old man with a beard and a red coat walk by. I glared at Clay and nudged him.

"Don't be mean, I bet that guy is very nice." I said, trying to ignore the glare the man gave to the big flashing Christmas lights in front of him. Clay rolled his eyes before grabbing my hand. My face immediately flushed at that. I straightened my posture and rose my eyebrows, suddenly not annoyed at all that we were here. At least that was until Clay ran and pulled me with him to the three in front of us.

"Sorry, George is being lazy." Clay commented while letting go of my hand. I frowned at that, but no one was really paying any attention to my face to notice that. My friends just laughed at Clay's bullying before continuing on there ways to one of the little rides here.

We arrived at a little train only a few minutes after Karl mentioned where we were going. Apparently, one person could 'drive' the train. It was on a rail so really the only thing you could do was turn it a little bit back and forth and also control the speed. I thought it was stupid, but my friends insisted I drove because I needed 'experience'.

"I'm actually going to crash this." I muttered while getting into the seat next to Quackity. Karl and Sapnap were going to ride in a separate one while Clay left and got some food for us all.

"You can't physically crash it George, it's on a track." Quackity pointed out while rolling his eyes, but I could see the small spark of fear in his eyes once I got behind the wheel. I hummed as a reply before the train thing started moving. It was more like a cart to be honest, just with a pedal and a wheel.

Once we were away from the take off spot, I was all on my own to control this beast. I pushed on the pedal and watched as we moved at a steady pace.

"I'm gonna crash into them." I muttered again, gesturing to the cart in front of us. Quackity just shook his head before taking out his phone.

"What the fuck are you doing Q?" I asked, eyes flicking back and forth between Quackity's phone and the cart in front of us. I think they made it so I couldn't crash or something, but I have no idea how they would do that so I was freaking out.

"Sap told me about your present to Clay, smile!" I didn't have time to think before a bright flash was shined onto my face. I quickly shook my hand and told him to take another. This time, I was smiling with a thumbs up at the photo. I hope he didn't capture a picture of me freaking out about driving, that would be embarrassing.

"You look so hot." Quackity said while showing me the first picture of me with a confused, definitely unflattering, face. I sighed before scrolling to the next one where I was actually looking decent.

I then flinched once feeling someone jump onto the back of my train. I looked over briefly to see a worker guy on the back of my cart, slowing me down. That was when I realized I was at the end.

"Look, you did it George!" Quackity cheered while the both of us exited the small cart. I smiled and then watched as Karl and Sapnap's vehicle slowed down as well. Karl was driving, and seemed much more content behind the wheel then I did.

"Wow George, you actually did alright. I was watching you the entire time." Sapnap said while giving me a pat on the back. I pushed him off and rolled my eyes before looking around for our much taller friend.

"Where's Clay?" I asked before suddenly seeing a man approach us with like 10 different things in his arms.

"The fuck?" Quackity said before rushing towards the blond to help him keep stable. The things he held were about to fall, but luckily he reached us in time to give him assistance.

"Why do you have.. a panda?" Quackity asked while holding up a stuffed panda for us all to see. I too furrowed my brows while taking a little penguin out of Clays arms. Once Clay put all the food he bought down onto a bench, he took the panda from Quackity before handing it to Sapnap.

"For you, my dear." He spoke with a laugh before turning around to take the penguin from me. He then placed it back into my hands with another little giggle.

"You actually found your gift." He mumbled before once again turning around to hand a duck stuffie to Quackity, and then a cat one to Karl.  We all stared confusedly at our gifts while sending small glances to each other before I spoke up.

"Why did you give us stuffed animals?" I asked, trying to also show my appreciation while questioning Clay on his random act of kindness.  The blond turned to me with a smile before grabbing one of the plates of food he placed on a bench a little bit ago.

"Because I wanted to.  And don't worry, I got your guy's food too." He said while handing me a soft pretzel, which was exactly what I asked for him to get.

"Thanks." I said before watching him turn around to give everyone else their food as well before finally beginning to eat his own.  We all sat peacefully at a little table while eating our food.  This went on for about 15 minutes before we all finished up our meals.

"Come on guys, we're gonna miss the big tree lighting."  Every night apparently, they have a big fancy light show with a big tree lighting at the end.  I don't know why they don't just have the tree lit the whole time like the other trees.  I also don't see the point in waiting until 11pm when it's been dark for literally hours now.

I dragged my feet as we walked to the tree, not looking forward to the flashing lights prepared to blind me. It took a few minutes for us to reach it, and by the time we got there, it was already packed. Clay pulled us through the heavy crowds before we eventually pushed our ways to the front. We only received a few nasty glares in the process.

"Look look! It's starting." Clay said while pointing in the direction of the grass beyond the fence we were leaning against. I was confused for a second before seeing lights starting to shine in the actual grass; I thought this was just for the tree?

I watched intensely as buildings started to light up as well as some bushes and trees I hadn't even noticed before. Eventually though, the light show was coming to an end and it was time for the actual tree lighting- I had high expectations because of the amazing show before hand.

The tree started lighting up from the top and it spread all the way to the bottom. The lights were shining in sync with the music playing, which impressed me quite a bit. After a minute, the tree was officially lit up fully, causing the crowd around us to disperse.

I smiled as we walked away from the spot we were once stood, and made our ways back to the car we arrived in, seeing as there was nothing really left here to do. My friends must of noticed my happy expression, because they began teasing me the second we arrived in the parking lot.

"You liked it didn't you George?" Clay said while pushing my shoulder slightly. I flushed as I nodded, feeling embarrassed for making such a big deal over how stupid the lights were going to be.

As we continued walking through the unnecessarily large parking lot, I got the sudden urge to grab Clay's hand.  My hands were freezing and I knew that his would be warmer, I just sensed it.  I kept sending quick glances to his dangling arm where his hand was just freely open, seemingly just waiting for me.  I finally got the courage after a few more seconds to slip my hand into his.

"Holy fuck George! Your hand is freezing!" Clay suddenly called out while letting go of my hand quickly.  He grabbed his hand and held it to his chest to emphasize the coldness of my touch.  I flushed red while looking down at the ground, embarrassed now that all of our friends were looking at us skeptically.

Luckily though, it didn't take long for us to reach the car.  I slid into my seat and immediately leaned my body against the door, trying to forget about the event that just previously occurred.

1554 words

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