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I notice Sapnap and Quackity sending glances in mine and Clay's direction quite often.  If they weren't being obvious before by tackling Karl, they sure were now.  I wonder if Clay sees them staring too, why hasn't he pushed me away by now if so?

Me and Clay were now comfortably cuddling a bit more. He still had his arm around my shoulder, but my head was now laying on his chest. I could hear his heart beat and the way he breathed every few seconds. I can't believe I'm laying on my crush right now, this feels like it should be in a movie.

I can't forget the fact though that Clay doesn't see this as a lover kind of cuddle, he sees it as two homies just being bros while the other homies also be bros across the room while cuddling up. It's a friend cuddle, not a lover cuddle. Get that in your head George.

"Meow." I get snapped out of my intense lovesick thoughts by a loud meow coming from in front of me. I lean slightly away from Clay to glance down at the tabby cat with a small smile.

"Hi Patches." I whisper down to the cat, feeling all the anxiety I previously had vanish after seeing the small cat.

"Where have you been kitty?" I whisper again while patting my leg slightly to urge the cat to jump. I hadn't seen Patches in a bit, probably because she chooses to just spend her days locked up in Clays room where all her toys and beds are. Clay knows she likes it there the most, so he put her stuff all in there, other then her litter box and food bowls of course.

Patches jumps up on me and immediately snuggles herself into the blanket I was using.  I smile down at the content cat while stroking her fur softly.

This continues on for another hour.  Me laying with Clay and Patches while Christmas movies were displayed in front of us.  Karl, Quackity, and Sapnap looked like they were sleeping to be honest, and they have been for a few minutes now.  I knew Clay knew they were most likely sleeping, seeing as he constantly turned himself to look over at them.

Suddenly, Clay got up and stretched for a second, pushing me off of him in the process.  I felt hurt when falling back onto the now empty spot of the couch.  I watched as the blond walked over to the other three and shook them, getting their attentions.

"What.." I heard Sapnap grumble tiredly.  Sapnap was apparently the first to wake, seeing he was the only one I saw moving, leaning up a bit from the others to stare up at Clay expectantly.

"Get up sleepyhead." Clay whispers to Sapnap before yanking him up off of the couch and to the floor.  Sapnap groaned, but quickly felt determined to get back at Clay.  He got up from the floor and immediately rushed at the taller, throwing his hands around in an attempt to smack the blond.

Clay laughed with a big smile while dodging Sapnap.  While they were play fighting, I noticed the other two who were previously sleeping, wake up and look over at the two in front of them.  They started giggling now as well for seemingly no apparent reason.  I stared confusingly at all four of them, wondering how the fuck we went from cuddling with Christmas movies to laughing like maniacs at 2am.

"We're going outside- Sap! Get your- stop- coat on." Clay called out in the middle of laughing and bickering with Sapnap.  I furrowed my brows at this, outside? It's fucking like -20 degrees out there.  Besides, I'm pretty sure there is like many inches of snow out there.  I am not going outside in this weather.


"Clay, I swear to fucking god!"  I yelled while dodging a snowball to the face.  The blond was laughing while picking snow up from the ground with his gloved hands.  He had been doing this for a few minutes now, taking time to target each of his friends individually with a ball of snow.

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