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At one point while we were shopping, Karl, Quackity, and Sapnap ran off to buy cookies, leaving me and Clay together. I have been planning on asking the blond something for awhile now, and decided that this was my chance.

"Hey Clay, I have a question for you." I spoke up, interrupting the peaceful silence that was once around us. He looked over at me with a nod, silently signaling me to continue.

"I was wondering if you want to go out sometime, like to go ice skating together or something." I couldn't even finish my question before my face turned a little pink. I can't believe I'm asking my crush out on a date. I never thought this day would come.

I've liked Clay for a few months now, but nobody knows except me. Nobody even knows that I'm attracted to men, all my friends think I'm as straight as can be. I don't know Clay's sexuality, but it shouldn't hurt too bad to figure out.

"That sounds fun! I'd love to." Clay agreed, causing my eyes to open wider and for my mouth to part open. Did he just agree to go on a date with me? This is the best day of my life-

"I'm sure the others would love to come too! Actually, did you know ice skating wasn't even on my list of activities for this season? Glad you mentioned it." He continued on. My face fell the more he spoke. The others? When did I ever mention bringing the others along?

"Oh- yeah.  Sounds good." I replied, feeling sadness overtake my demeanor.  Why would you even think about getting your hopes up George, it obviously won't be that easy.

"We got the cookies!" I heard Karl yell from a distance away.  It was followed by three pairs of footsteps rushing towards me and Clay.  I looked over at our friends only to see them holding literally like 10 packs of homemade cookies.

"Why do we need that many?" I question out loud, not seeing any reasonable answer for why that many cookies are needed.

"So we can bake a batch every night until Christmas." Karl continues happily while holding up the 5 packs in his own hold, Sapnap was holding the other 5 while Quackity held Karl's basket. Why didn't they just put the cookies in the basket? I wouldn't be surprised if they just dropped all of them on the ground and then had to eat mushed cookies later on.

"That's a little excessive." Clay agrees with me, followed by a little laugh before turning back around to what he was originally looking at before I asked him out.

"We would of thought you of all people would agree that this is a good idea Clay." Sapnap says with a dramatic sigh, finally tossing the cookies he held into the basket Quackity was now in charge of. Clay just laughed as a response, not bothering to argue with the others anymore over their unhealthy Christmas cookie obsession- I don't blame him.

"Me and George were just talking about going ice skating soon.  Does Saturday sound good to you guys?" Clay said, changing the topic back to my failed date idea.  I just sighed quietly while turning my back to my four friends, not wanting any of them to see my soured expression; I'm probably just being dramatic anyway.  It's not like Clay even knew I was asking him out out.

"Yeah! I love ice skating." Karl agrees while holding onto his packs of cookies tighter and closer to his chest.

"Karl, you've never been before." Sapnap reminded, causing me to laugh lightly. 

'I'll have a blue Christmas without you. 
I'll be so blue just thinking about you.'

Blue Christmas plays loudly over the speakers of the Christmas shop we resided in.  A frown finds my face again, but luckily I was still stood with my back to my friends, preventing them from seeing my sad expression once more.  Seriously? Even the radio is mocking me.

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