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"That is a fucking terrible idea. I am not telling him now." I stated firmly with my arms crossed over my chest while sending daggers towards my two friends in front of me.

"Oh come on George, it's Christmas Eve, perfect timing!" Sapnap cheered while shaking my shoulders back and forth enthusiastically.  I shoved him off and shook my head again.

"No way, no fucking way." I disagreed once more, beginning to turn around so I didn't have to deal with my friends begging, pouting, faces any longer.

"Besides, shouldn't we all have a sleepover tonight, so we can open our presents tomorrow together." I stated while turning around again to stare at Sapnap and Quackity. Quackity shook his head before immediately replying.

"Karl is already at his parent's house." He said which caused for me to just throw my arms up again and groan.

"So what? We can hang without him right?" The two just shook their heads again before Sapnap walked up to me once more and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Dude, you're not going to get this perfect chance ever again to confess, it's now or never." He said, actually looking sincere as he stared into my eyes. I sighed before mumbling back something I never thought I'd ever say.

"What would we even do?" Sapnap smiled at me before grabbing my hands and pulling me to his kitchen table. He gestured for me to sit, which I did, Quackity following behind and sitting beside me to my right.

"You can invite him over, maybe you guys can go to the park and talk." Sapnap said, still displaying a large smile across his face, Quackity had mirrored Sap's expression as well.

"Wouldn't it be weird if I just invited him?" I asked, feeling like Clay would be so very confused if I just left out our other friends just to take a walk in the park with him.

"Just tell him we're spending time with our families and parents and stuff like that, technically Karl already is so it would only be a partial lie." Quackity spoke up, causing me to nod and look down at my hands that I was fiddling with on the table.

"Hey dude, don't worry.  You mean a lot to him, he won't hate you after this.  Besides, why wouldn't he like you?  You are amazing."  Sapnap said reassuringly while patting me on the back.  I stared up at Sapnap after his comment and snickered as I questioned him on it.

"So why don't you like me then? If I'm sooo amazing." I said causing Sapnap to flush for a second before taking his hand off of my back only to place it into his own lap.  He looked at me and smiled for a second for answering.

"I'm just not, like, Y'know- Gay." He said while flicking his wrist to get across the message. I started giggling at that and watched as his face continued to flush pink. Once my giggles calmed down I finally responded to Sapnap's reply.

"Okay, and how do you know that Clay is, Y'know, a homosexual?" I questioned while making sure to repeat my question the same way Sapnap just spoke before hand. Sapnap laughed as a response and quickly answered.

"I've been friends with the dude since we were like 10. He's always done.. subtle things that made me believe he was into men. Like this one time when he came up to me with all these pictures of footballers and started freaking out about how amazing and hot they were. And that one time where he zoomed in on a picture of this guys ass-"

"Okay! Okay, I get it." I interrupted, already feeling my face heat up from the mention of Clay looking at guys asses. I don't think I needed to know that.

"You'll be fine, trust me.  And if he refuses to make out with you-" I interrupted Sapnap with an exaggerated gasp and a quick denial.

"We are not going to make out.  What is wrong with you?!" I said, feeling like my face was going to melt away from how red and hot it suddenly got.  I heard Quackity laugh from beside me, but I couldn't bother to look, wanting to instead keep my focus on Sapnap to assure him that me and Clay won't be doing any of that today.. or tomorrow.

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