Chapter 1

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You and childe have been great friends for centuries and even though Childe is usually away for work you guys still try your best to write each other. You know that he is in the fatui and you know he kills people for a living and you don't mind. After all, you gotta do what you gotta do.

You woke up feeling tired because you stayed up late waiting for your monthly letter from Tartaglia. You got yourself cleaned up and went to check the mailbox only to find it was empty. "Weird.. the letter has never been late." You thought to yourself as you close the mailbox only to open it again and find out there's still nothing inside.What were you expecting. You decided to head to the post office to maybe find out the reason the letter is late.
You lived in the city so the post office wasn't that far so you enjoyed a nice morning walk. "Hey y/n, want some breakfast?" A friendly face asked enthusiastically while holding a bowl of cereal. It was your good friend Xiangling. You went over to her to say hi and chat for a bit. "Hey Xiangling hows it going" you asked her with a sweet smile. You guys continued to talk for a bit until you said your goodbyes and started heading towards the post office.

When you arrived there was a long line of people and the staff looked stressed. "Please everyone calm down! The letters have been mixed and it'll take us time to figure out everyones letters" the man behind the counter spoke nervously. The people looked mad and you didn't think much about it since this was an everyday thing for you. You walked up to the counter and waved at the man who was on the edge of tears "Please wait in line.. we can't allow people to skip the line.." the man spoke but you wouldn't let him finished and simply offered to help with sorting the mail. The man looked relieved and showed you what to do.
You weren't really happy doing it but this way you'd get your letter faster.

After hours most of the mail was given out and only single ones remained on the floor and none of them were yours. You were really disappointed but still happy you got to do something nice. Before you walked out the man from before stopped you.
"T-thank you for everything today.. I'm sorry we couldn't find your letter but as soon as it arrives I promised I'll get it delivered to you immediately." You thanked the man before walking out of the building.

It was already dark and you didn't know what else to do. You spent an entire day sorting mail that wasn't even yours.
You wanted to go home and catch Up to some sleep but before you could do that someone grabbed your shoulder.
You jumped at the sudden feeling and slapped the person behind you as strong as possible before realizing who it was. Oh my god.. it was your boss. Reality hit you and you immediately started to apologize begging and crying on your knees not to be fired.

"First ow.. and second I'm not gonna fire you.. actually I was gonna invite you to a party". A party? you weren't so fond of parties but since you had nothing else to do you agreed and you guys walked to the bar where some of your coworkers and friends were along with some strangers. Everyone looked like they were having a good time. 
You took a seat on a couch in the corner where the introverts usually sit. But today there were none. Just you and your drink.
Your coworker Yuri came over to you "not a fan of the party?" He asked with a friendly look on his face and a drink in his hand. He sat down beside you and put his drink on the table "I guess I'm just tired and a little sad.. i spent all day doing something with a goal to find something but i ended up not finding anything" you sighed and took a sip of your drink. "That sounds rough.. but forget about it. Have fun! Tonight is all about having fun and living!" You gave a small smile and stared down at your drink. Maybe this way you can forget about the letter.

The next thing you know you're on the dance floor with Yuri dancing and having fun. You felt so alive and Yuri was starting to get tired but still tried to keep up with your energy. You noticed he looked a bit off and took him to a bar to calm down and just chat. While you guys were chatting you felt someone staring at you.. it freaked you out but you tought nothing of it. You tried to ignore it but this feeling was with you all night.

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