Chapter 3

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Next morning You find yourself cuddled up with Childe on your nasty green couch. You can almost smell the sweat coming from him but you didn't mind and got up to make breakfast. He woke up an hour later to find you reading next to him. He licked your hair which made you jump "WHAT THE FUCK-" you looked back almost falling off the couch only to see Childe sleeping. You knew he was faking. All your years of working for the theater you know acting when you see it. You throw the book on his face which made him groan.

"Wake up it's almost noon." You tell him in your best annoyed voice. He didn't get up but only looked at you with a smirk. "make me" and so you did. You took his hand and pulled him out of the couch onto the carpet which made him say ow. You then threw some freshly baked eggs on his face until he woke up from the burning eggs on his face.

You smiled and went to the bathroom. By the time you got back he was already dressed and was reading the same book you read before. "So whats the plan for today?" He asked with his usual grin. You found it adorable. You told him you got stuff to pick up from the Market today so he agreed to accompany you. On the way to the market you guys saw Yuri. "Oh hey Yuri!" You said waving at him to come over. He ran to you guys and said hi to both of you. "Here's your knife back Y/N. Im glad i didn't have to use it hehe" he said jokingly and Childe looked pissed. He tried the best to remain happy but you could tell he was annoyed.

When we arrived at the market i told the boys what they can do to help. I sent Childe to go fetch the seafood and Yuri to get the vegetables. I myself went to get some dairy products. "98,000 mora for a cheesecake.? That better be the best cheesecake I've ever had." As i was about to pay for it a hand took my wallet from me. "may i?" It was Childe who tool out his own fat wallet and payed for the cake himself. "Thanks but now i have to repay you" he looked at me and started laughing. I didn't know what was funny "darling you don't have to repay me." He said." The fatui is loaded" he whispered into my ear not to draw any suspicion. I saw Yuri in the distance so i went over to him only to see him admiring a weapon.. "that doesn't look like a vegetable to me?" I said jokingly. He jumped at the sight of me and laughed. He put the vegetables in my aesthetic little basket and kept admiring the weapon.. "one day.. I'm gonna get it. Debate club will be mine.." he said with sparkles in his eyes. I could tell he loved it very much.

After the trip to the market Yuri went home and Me and Childe went to take a walk around the harbor. I made Childe carry the heavy bags and he looked pleased to show off his muscles. Unfortunately for him i didn't care. We looked at the sunset before heading home and placing everything in it's rightful place. Childe stretched " gosh my muscles are sore. Did we have to take the long way home" he said while stretching his arms. I only smiled and started making his bed on the couch. "Can't i just like.. you know .. sleep with you?" I could feel my heart getting faster and suddenly my cheeks were on fire.. not literally.. he bit his lip waiting for my answer..

"Well? Can I?" He said hovering over me like some fuckboy. "Sure but left side is mine" we start walking over to my room until i realize i have his bodypillow laying on my bed. I quickly run to my room and close the door behind me making up excuses to buy more time. I quickly hide the pillow and let him in. He looked suspicious but didn't question it.

Next thing we know it's 12am and we're both on my bed with a pillow wall between us.

Childe x Reader Smut Not So SmutWhere stories live. Discover now