Chapter 14

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The next morning, you wake up on the couch. You don't remember what happened, but you really didn't care. You had other things on your mind.

You rubbed your eyes and got up to go to the bathroom. Everything was silent.. too silent. You've gotten used to hearing Childe complain about everything in the morning.

After a while of doing whatever you do in the bathroom, you got out of the house. You didn't know what to do or where to go.  All you could think of was Childe. But not in a way you'd like to think of him.

"I should go see Xiao.." You thought to yourself before heading towards Wangshi Inn.

Childes POV

"Y/N has been acting weird lately.. of course, to the average person, she may seem fine, but I know her. Yesterday at dinner... she seemed.. nervous. Weird.. like something was wrong.. what is she hiding..."

The fatui agent looked confused. "Sir.. why are you telling me this?"

Childe looked at him and smiled. "You're my friend.. uhh.. what's your name?"

"Alexandru.. Sir." The soldier said with a very confused and nervous look. Can't make your superiors mad, now can ya?

Childe smiled and kept going on and on about Y/N. Poor soldier..

Back to Y/N

You reached Wangshu Inn and walked up the stairs. When you got to the balcony, you suddenly had the urge to throw a rock off the balcony.

You got close to the edge, and before you could throw the rock, someone stopped you. It was Xiao. "Don't throw rocks. You might kill someone." He said with a serious look.

You put the rock down and backed away from the edge.

Xiao stared at your appearance. "You look like shit."

You felt defeated. He wasn't wrong tho. "How would you feel when you find out the person who has been staying at your house might be the reason for your coworkers' disappearance?" You ask in a very sarcastic tone.

He just sighed, and crossed his arms.

"Why are you here?"

"I want you to help me find out the truth."

"How would we do that?"

"No idea."

Xiao sighed and eventually agreed to help you. You guys spent hours thinking of a plan.

It was 3am, and you just returned home.

You were about to unlock the door when you noticed it was already unlocked. "Not again. I'm gonna end everything." You walk inside only to find Childe waiting for you on the couch.

He got up and walked over to you, arms crossed. He looked serious.

"Where the hell have you been? No note? No nothing?"

You just walked past him. It was your house, and you didn't need to tell him about everything.

He got irritated and followed you. "Hey! I'm talking to you!?"

You didn't listen, you were tired and wanted to sleep. You went to your room to change clothes, locking the door behind you.

Childe just waited for you to finish changing. When you finally finish and unlock the door, he grabbed the door handle and almost destroyed your door, opening it.

Your eyes widened when you noticed him grabbing your door aggressively. "Oi. The door didn't do anything."

He walked over to you and grabbed your arm. "Where the hell have you been.." He looked angry.

"I was out." You said, struggling to break free from his grasp.

"Out where?"

"None of your goddam business. I'm not required to tell you every single detail of my life."

He didn't like that answer, but still let you go. He sighed and crossed his arms. "I am your guest. You are the owner of this house, my host. I do need to know where you are."

You chuckled "seriously? I thought we were roommates."

"Even then.. I need to know where you are."

You just rolled your eyes and chuckled.

"What's so funny? You were gone for how long? The whole day?!" He looked serious, but there was also a hint of worry in his voice.

"Relax. I was out with a friend."

He didn't look too happy. He looked away, arms crossed before he spoke.

"Was it that adeptus guy again.."

You were surprised he knew that. Was he following you.. does he know about your plans.. "Yeah, why?"


He turned around and left the room without saying anything. You just shrugged it off and went to bed.

After you had fallen asleep, Childe came into the room. He walked over to the bed and just stared at you. Hovering over the bed like a creeper. Not the minecraft one.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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